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Recent content by DaveN

  1. D

    Anafi - bird, batteries, props, controller

    Update: I have several interested parties but at the moment I’m caring for my dog and it will take a couple weeks before I get back to anyone. Thanks.
  2. D

    Anafi - bird, batteries, props, controller

    My Anafi decided to take a dive into the water years ago. I thought I’d get a newer version but that didn’t happen. I recovered the bird a days later and cleaned it up but the vertical sensor doesn’t work so it won’t take off. So I’m looking for a new home for it. I’d like a single recipient and...
  3. D

    River Murray floods - Mannum, South Australia, 15 December 2022

    Thanks. It was a surreal situation. I was taking photos, panning a little, taking another photo, etc, when it became unresponsive. I thought it was catching up on the photos before moving to the next pan position but then it became completely unresponsive. I looked up just in time and watched it...
  4. D

    River Murray floods - Mannum, South Australia, 15 December 2022

    I was leery about flying over water when I started. Then I did a couple of flights over water and enjoyed it until… my last flight when my Anafi decided to go for a swim. Keep up the good work.
  5. D

    Crash in sea / no data of the flight / propellers engine shut down?

    Agreed but it never hurts to ask. I still wish they would have offered a refurbished drone as a replacement at a good price as to me it seemed like a software issue but they didn’t offer anything.
  6. D

    Crash in sea / no data of the flight / propellers engine shut down?

    Mine happened outside of the warranty period so I did not receive a replacement. I recovered the drone from the water about a month later and was hoping it still worked but the downward facing camera no longer worked so I'm out of luck. I haven't done anything with drones since and I'm thinking...
  7. D

    Crash in sea / no data of the flight / propellers engine shut down?

    Sorry to hear that. The same thing happened to me but in a lake. I was taking photos, the Freeflight app locked up and I looked over at the drone only to see it falling into the water. Others have had the same issue and from what I can tell it can either be that the battery wasn't fully attached...
  8. D

    Water recovery questions...

    Yes. It was for a sunken drone. I believe the last few photos that were corrupt were corrupt by the system failure that caused the crash. After cleaning and drying the drone only the downward facing camera did not work so the drone will not fly.
  9. D

    New 2021 ANAFI model

    I hope but will not hold my breath. However, I will delay replacing my Anafi until after the announcement.
  10. D

    WTB Anafi Sky Controller 3

    Did you find one?
  11. D

    Future Anafi sale?

    I still have two of my own batteries. I lost one when my Anafi went swimming and it took me four weeks to recover it. I still like the ability to look up and this is the one to do that. I asked Parrot about selling users bare drones without a controller, battery, etc. but they won't do that. I'm...
  12. D

    Future Anafi sale?

    I'm hesitant about buying a 'renewed' Anafi because my original one fell from the sky after ~15 flights and I want the longer warranty. 90 days is a bit short for a warranty.
  13. D

    Future Anafi sale?

    That would work for me. Thanks.
  14. D

    Future Anafi sale?

    Any Parrot psychics here willing to predict when Parrot will offer a discount on the Anafi? I never did get mine working again (vertical camera fault) and am considering to get a replacement though I'm not willing to pay full price considering how mime fell from the sky and don't want to buy...
  15. D

    WTB USB A Board for Skycontroller 3 - Found one thanks for all who helped.....

    Why not get a replacement controller? Since drones break more often than controllers there are extra controllers out there.