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Recent content by Jerry Normandin

  1. J

    Disco for Sale

    Do you still have it ? How much o you want for it ?
  2. J

    Looking for a Parrot Disco to replace my dead Parrot.

    Hi, I've been flying my Parrot Disco at my r/c Club since 2017. Does anyone have multiple Discos and is looking to sell one ? I still have my SkyController 2, so if you just have the bird I am still interested. My youtube channel is here:
  3. J

    Parrot disco

    Go through the calibration steps, check to see if you can recalibrate it. Also check the GPS status, maybe the GPS is loose. You would need to dissasemble the C.H.U.C.K. , check the connections.
  4. J

    Disco for Sale

    If you didn't sell it yet I am interested. My Disco got damaged by the last firmware update that was pushed out.. My club's airfield is hosted on a Dairy Farm. In the far west end of the field there's a marsh and a river inlet. How much do you want for it ?
  5. J

    Have any of you that fly Discos received a forced firmware update for SkyController 2 to 1.0.9 ?

    The skycontroller2 disconnected at launch. I have no GPS coordinates of where Disco crashed. I just know the direction and rate of descent. I took a hike out there but the in the marshland location I was in you could sink up to your chest in mud, so I turned around. I sent Parrot an email...
  6. J

    Have any of you that fly Discos received a forced firmware update for SkyController 2 to 1.0.9 ?

    When I went to fly at my clubs field yesterday I got a forced SkyController 2 firmware update from Parrot. I didn't want an update because my configuration was stable and I logged 50 successful flights with my Disco. I wasn't going to fly after the forced update but it's been several months...
  7. J

    Awesome flight today - Also Disco flies much better with Flight Planner than with the SkyRemote 2 :) and Linear Landings are the best landing approach

    I also have one of the last Discos made. My first Disco had an issue after a firmware update. Parrot was great .. they read the flight logs and said the SONAR may have been defective. They sent me a replacement Disco. I have been flying the replacement since March 2019. All flights have...
  8. J

    Awesome flight today - Also Disco flies much better with Flight Planner than with the SkyRemote 2 :) and Linear Landings are the best landing approach

    Yes. I used Flight Plan for the entire flight and landing. I was also connected with the SkyController 2 to take over the flight if there was a problem. According to the flight plan logs the flight altitude was 20m. , that's 393 ft. A top speed of 46mph was reached during the return flight...
  9. J

    Awesome flight today - Also Disco flies much better with Flight Planner than with the SkyRemote 2 :) and Linear Landings are the best landing approach

    At the time of flight I check the air sock and optimize the landing approach in flight plan. During the flight, the wind direction can change. It's not uncommon where I fly for the wind to shift from S, SE, and then all of a sudden gust out of the east. I have videos of where you can see...
  10. J

    Parrot Disco for crop survey & forestry, any actual user experiences? Anyone tried it?

    I get a perfect landing every time ! Use flight plan, only use a linear landing approach. Update your flight plan before takeoff to insure your Disco is landing in the wind.
  11. J

    Parrot Disco for crop survey & forestry, any actual user experiences? Anyone tried it?

    Hi, According to my free flight pro logs the average speed was 33.5mph. Average altitude was 393ft. I really like this drone. I don't use the circular landing approach because my club's airfield is surrounded by corn fields. I use a linear approach and adjust accordingly to wind direction...
  12. J

    Parrot Disco for crop survey & forestry, any actual user experiences? Anyone tried it?

    I'm looking for a place where I can launch and land my Parrot Disco on Cape Cod legally. I've got some code I'm working on that will send the GPS coordinates of active shark observations and send them to flight plan. I need a smooth grassy field. The Disco is the perfect platform to shoot...
  13. J

    Parrot Disco for crop survey & forestry, any actual user experiences? Anyone tried it?

    You can modify a consumer version of the Parrot Disco to get the job done. There are several methods to achieve this. Someone in the RC forums carved out a location to install a downfacing GoPro Hereo 5. A GoPro5 will geotag each photo. There is NO interface between the down facing Hero...