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360 panorama stitched in ICE

How do you do this in ICE? Sorry if being a bit dim.
I commented on your excellent sphere pano in the pictures and video threads. Now having had a shot none of my panos have turned out anything like the detail and clarity you have displayed and was going to ask what steps you took , please I have used FF6 to stitch etc.
How do you do this in ICE? Sorry if being a bit dim.
I commented on your excellent sphere pano in the pictures and video threads. Now having had a shot none of my panos have turned out anything like the detail and clarity you have displayed and was going to ask what steps you took , please I have used FF6 to stitch etc.
I just download the 42 images from my phone to my computer and create a new panorama with ICE. I let it automatically figure out the arrangement to stitch and fill in the scalloped areas automatically in the crop screen. I output the full size image then edit it in Photoshop to expand the canvas size to 2:1 ratio and fill in the sky. I usually reduce the final image to 10,000 x 5000 pixels and adjust contrast and saturation if needed.
Here is a tutorial I did for the Typhoon H:
Excellent, thank you. I have Lightworks, it being free and me being a mean Scot, so will play around with that as a starter for 10.

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