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Anafi Altitude??


Oct 24, 2018
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I want to fly my Anafi from the top of a hill overlooking the ocean... Is the Anafi's maximum altitude limit based on sea level or the area from where it took off approximately 400 ft above sea level?
From takeoff ( otherwise whole countries and most inland areas would be no-fly zones ).
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If you start from the top of the rock, how can you adjust the Flight Plan waypoints to fly lower, closer to the sea which is maybe much lower then the startpoint on the hill? I can't adjust less than 2m for a waypoint height in the FF6. It is from the starting, take-off altitude or from the actual waypoint surface?
If you start from the top of the rock, how can you adjust the Flight Plan waypoints to fly lower, closer to the sea which is maybe much lower then the startpoint on the hill? I can't adjust less than 2m for a waypoint height in the FF6. It is from the starting, take-off altitude or from the actual waypoint surface?

Negative altitude POIs - successful workaround
Thank You. Interesting, but I don't want to modify the files in table computer. It was just an idea If I will go up to the Citadel or Castle, or anything on the top of a mountain or hill, how can I start the Anafi to fly around and fly lower into the valley or closer to a lake or sea. Anafi use GPS datas, GoogleMaps includes it also, maybe It should be good if the FF6 Flight Planning can able to show on the display it and adjust the GPS absolute altitude for the waypoints and POIs and not only a positive relative height number from the Take-off point. A question: Is there any automatic controll in the software to check the planned route relative altitudes with the google maps absolute GPS surface altitudes? Or the Anafi can easy fly into a hill if the relative numbers not good?
Thank You. Interesting, but I don't want to modify the files in table computer. It was just an idea If I will go up to the Citadel or Castle, or anything on the top of a mountain or hill, how can I start the Anafi to fly around and fly lower into the valley or closer to a lake or sea. Anafi use GPS datas, GoogleMaps includes it also, maybe It should be good if the FF6 Flight Planning can able to show on the display it and adjust the GPS absolute altitude for the waypoints and POIs and not only a positive relative height number from the Take-off point. A question: Is there any automatic controll in the software to check the planned route relative altitudes with the google maps absolute GPS surface altitudes? Or the Anafi can easy fly into a hill if the relative numbers not good?
Haha no answer ! It seems that you will not be able to filming anything in the mountains. Terrible. Really terrible. Okay, I am a snowboarder, I did my best free ride to date and of course I was not able to filming it with follow me or autonomous flight. It's not possible with parrot. So next, I want to filming my friends descents. Is it possible ? No. You can't fly more than 150 meters from your take off hahaha terrible. So, with parrot you can only filming you in completely flat surrounding. Actually not funny, because I already bought such drone....
You really tried? Hahaha. But you talk about it? Hahaha.
Max 30 degree of slope. You think this is backcountry ? I am really afraid to try because it have a big chance to loose drone. If take off position is on the summit,then home will be the summit point. I will not be able to go back to take my drone. However, the only one possibility is to fix manually the drone somewhere along the slope and when go down to take it. If it's possible, because the distance will not exceed 2000m, but the high of the drone from me will be definitely more than 150m. I already asked parrot. Of course, first I would like to be informed before to lost my drone.
Well Dirk some people just do not want to put in the extra effort to make things work so I guess he will miss out on a lot of great video ?
I agree that for freestyle in the park it will be okay, especially if you filming your friends. But I have theoretical problems how to filming backcountry in the mountains. This includes steep slopes and high denivelation,so follow me not work and also flight plan, because there are no real altitude (GPS coordinates). I am afraid that I even can't be able to fix the drone somewhere along the line, because when I am down, I will not have communication with.
I agree that for freestyle in the park it will be okay, especially if you filming your friends. But I have theoretical problems how to filming backcountry in the mountains. This includes steep slopes and high denivelation,so follow me not work and also flight plan, because there are no real altitude (GPS coordinates). I am afraid that I even can't be able to fix the drone somewhere along the line, because when I am down, I will not have communication with.
Yes, you are right: during flight Anafi has no infos about the height above ground. It has no sensor to measure the height above ground for flight altitudes over 6 m. So Anafi cannot follow a downward or upward track with constant height above ground.
So the video I linked shows, that Follow-Me is possible for following downhill, but in 2 or 3 sections depending on the height difference from top to bottom. And I think you will have some help of a 2nd person.
I want to fly my Anafi from the top of a hill overlooking the ocean... Is the Anafi's maximum altitude limit based on sea level or the area from where it took off approximately 400 ft above sea level?

If you take off on a summit that is 5,000 feet the maximum height is 5,400 feet. As the altitude of the terrain around the summit decreases the maximum height the drone can fly also decreases and follows a pattern of 400 feet above whatever altitude the ground underneath it happens to be. That said I'm wondering if it would be 400' above the terrain within 400' of the drone, similar to flying 400' above a building within 400' of the drone.
If you take off on a summit that is 5,000 feet the maximum height is 5,400 feet. As the altitude of the terrain around the summit decreases the maximum height the drone can fly also decreases and follows a pattern of 400 feet above whatever altitude the ground underneath it happens to be. That said I'm wondering if it would be 400' above the terrain within 400' of the drone, similar to flying 400' above a building within 400' of the drone.

Anafi max altitude is pinned from the take-off altitude. It does not adjust for ground level during flight. I wish it did, since I could legally fly along a slope, maintaining safe and legal altitude while climbing well over 400’ from the take-off altitude (here in the mountains).
Anafi max altitude is pinned from the take-off altitude. It does not adjust for ground level during flight. I wish it did, since I could legally fly along a slope, maintaining safe and legal altitude while climbing well over 400’ from the take-off altitude (here in the mountains).

I was more commenting on the legal aspect of things rather than the Anafi capabilities. That said I didn't real that the Anafi altitude was pinned at the point of takeoff rather than the controller or subject in follow me mode.
Anafi max altitude is pinned from the take-off altitude. It does not adjust for ground level during flight. I wish it did, since I could legally fly along a slope, maintaining safe and legal altitude while climbing well over 400’ from the take-off altitude (here in the mountains).
I was more commenting on the legal aspect of things rather than the Anafi capabilities. That said I didn't real that the Anafi altitude was pinned at the point of takeoff rather than the controller or subject in follow me mode.
If you search for it there was a response on this forum to another thread about this challenge (started by @Petko Mladenov ) from someone who uses the Anafi to follow their Jeep as it climbs well over the supposed 150 metre altitude limit. It does just keep on climbing, so therefore one could deduce that it also does just continue to follow you in descent also. Maybe...
If you search for it there was a response on this forum to another thread about this challenge (started by @Petko Mladenov ) from someone who uses the Anafi to follow their Jeep as it climbs well over the supposed 150 metre altitude limit. It does just keep on climbing, so therefore one could deduce that it also does just continue to follow you in descent also. Maybe...
Now It's well known that you can't exceed these 150m from you,no matter of the relief. It's really inconvenient. Definitely follow me not work on steep slopes and more speed. It's common for all drones and maybe only GoPro hexo is an exception. Therefore, only applications such Litchi could disolve these problems according to me. Because using real GPS coordinates the flight height is based on the relief and easily can be controlled. Moreover it allows precise flight plan, where you will be able to do some action. I was impressed from Flight manager, but to be useful,it should be used for flight planing based on the exported coordinates. It will be very very useful. Otherwise, just to put some GPS on to your video.... I don't know... personally I don't find as something "good"
Now It's well known that you can't exceed these 150m from you,no matter of the relief. It's really inconvenient. Definitely follow me not work on steep slopes and more speed. It's common for all drones and maybe only GoPro hexo is an exception. Therefore, only applications such Litchi could disolve these problems according to me. Because using real GPS coordinates the flight height is based on the relief and easily can be controlled. Moreover it allows precise flight plan, where you will be able to do some action. I was impressed from Flight manager, but to be useful,it should be used for flight planing based on the exported coordinates. It will be very very useful. Otherwise, just to put some GPS on to your video.... I don't know... personally I don't find as something "good"
I mean,using Google earth coordinates, the flight plans could be easily limited to 150m from the ground. It will allow at least autonomous flights to be used in the mountains. Second, recording some autonomous flight and exporting data, the pilot will be able to do some edits on the data according to video and use it for second, much more precise flight...
Now It's well known that you can't exceed these 150m from you
Okay, now I'm officially confused! o_O

What do you want your drone to do? You said you wanted it to follow you, the Anafi will follow you, regardless of how far you ascend or descend. There is no height limit in this regard as it readjusts to you & your location continuously, to the best of my understanding. :unsure:
Okay, now I'm officially confused! o_O

What do you want your drone to do? You said you wanted it to follow you, the Anafi will follow you, regardless of how far you ascend or descend. There is no height limit in this regard as it readjusts to you & your location continuously, to the best of my understanding. :unsure:
Okay, the steepest slope for follow me function is 30 degree-it's not steep. Second, the speed is 40km/h it's too slow. Otherwise, the drone will just loose you. That's mean-you can't use follow me! Next, I can't understand you actually what do you mean ”There is no height limit in this regard as it readjusts to you & your location continuously" ? What do you mean, It could fly at 400m above the controller in following mode ? Please explain me. Then I will adjust to follow me at 500m height from me and one kilometre in some direction to filming the ride of my friends or what ? First, I doubt it is possible and second in this mode I will not have control over the flight. My asking is very simple, I want to filming my friends during backcountry skiing on the steep slope from the bottom of summit. How to do that when the drone can't be higher than 150m from me,no matter of the relief. This is one very simple task! The other one is: How to position the drone along the slope and filming at least a part of my riding, regarding that , I will not be able to take my drone on the bottom. I can't explain more simple. Forget about follow me. Maybe it could be used to follow jeep or running person or skiing at 16 degree slope with 20km/h , but not real riding. It's seems that only GoPro hexo can. Therefore DJI developed Litchi for planning autonomous flights and filming. Flight plan is 2D (height not work), but mountains are 3D e.g. "earth is not flat"

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