I contacted them and asked if they could send me the fan. since its a little less than a month old. I cant risk sending a brand new drone off for such a stupid little repair when I can do it in under 5 minutes. ( Iphone 6 screen repairs 10 to 15 minutes (iknow my ****

) so yeah if they can send me the fan then im all good but I dont want them to do the old switcharoo like other tech companies do and send me out a refurb instead of doing the repair. its not that I dont trust them its just that I trust them less than I trust myself. same kinda situation if I was a pro auto mechanic and I needed to replace the fan.... why let some do it when I know without a doubt the quality of my work. congrats on getting uber cheap on the Mavic parts.... thats about the only thing cheap with them lol. if they do in fact send me out a fan .... I will create a post with the exact dimensions and specs and possibly a link to a few sources.