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Anafi gimbal


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Jan 27, 2019
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Hi anybody have any ideas what could fix the issue I have with the anafi. Had a small fall maybe 5 feet and now the camera won't move and the gimbal seems very stuttered on initial start up. Everything else seems to be OK apart from maybe a few scratches. Any advice be grateful. Thanks
If the fall was not your fault then I would contact Parrot for their views.
If it was your fault then I would look closely at the gimbal motors for anything stuck in them or the gimbal frame having been moved or bent by the fall.
Ya it was my fault trying to fly into house and hit a curtain. So stupid really. 8 ha e contacted them but customer service is so slow. I have taken aprt the base of it and all seems to be connected and nothing broken or bent but then again I could be missing something. I don't wanna take it aprt to much incase I do more damage.
There was a post a while ago where someone took his apart and found one of the cables not seated properly from after a crash. Not sure which wire but checking anything coming from the camera to the main board mght be a good idea. Other then that I have no other ideas
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Hi anybody have any ideas what could fix the issue I have with the anafi. Had a small fall maybe 5 feet and now the camera won't move and the gimbal seems very stuttered on initial start up. Everything else seems to be OK apart from maybe a few scratches. Any advice be grateful. Thanks
Try a Camera Calibration,

pg 51 of the manual
"the camera calibration must not be carried out unless it appears necessary – typically, after a crash."
I too had a crash and my gimbal stopped working, but camera video was fine. Inside my Parrot Anafi, I found that there are four connection sockets running from the gimbal motors to the circuit boards. I went through the process of disconnecting and reconnecting all 4 of them. It was probably only one loose connection, but I didn't want to take any chances. Gimbal works now!

But be careful! You have to take the unit almost completely apart (but maybe you can spot an obvious disconnection and fix it fast without too much work?). You can easily damage the internal electronics if you are impatient. Disconnect the battery before doing anything. Use your warranty if you have one. I got my unit used so no warranty for me. The final fourth connection near the camera can be accessed by slightly bending the plastic panel covering it, but again be careful and use good patient and firm but gentle judgement. I nearly ruined the connection for one of the motors to the main board.

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