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Anafi will fit in a 9x12 cake pan


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2018
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Crested Butte, CO
Covered in rice...I didn’t want rice to get into the openings, so I put the bird inside silk long johns.

It crashed into a river and was underwater for 10-15 minutes...good, cold Rocky Mountain water like they make Coors with.

Praying and hoping


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Did you remove the battery ?
I would have let it dry on the sun during the day, then at night on the rice and/or silicate gel, for at least 3 days... then try to switch it on.
Covered in rice...I didn’t want rice to get into the openings, so I put the bird inside silk long johns.

It crashed into a river and was underwater for 10-15 minutes...good, cold Rocky Mountain water like they make Coors with.

Praying and hoping

:( Good luck!!!
It sat on the dashboard in the sun for ten hours, although the black seemed too hot after an hour so I put that away. [Windows open for the breeze on a partly cloudy day.]

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More that extreme heat, it should be allowed to have some dry air circulation to remove humidity. I am not sure the dashboard in a closed car is a good idea. I would maintain it outside in the sun in an open air area.
That’s what I already did with an MP3 player and earplugs when my son left these in its pockets after a good soaped washing machine (program 50º). Rinsed them in cold water and let dry in the sun... they still work.
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The problem could come from the long time exposition of the battery + Anafi to the water causing a short cut in the battery and / or the Anafi more than the drying process. Prior to plug back the battery in the Anafi, do you have a way to check the voltage ? Or try to charge it with the USB port without connexion to the Anafi ? In case of a battery problem, you should not plug it to the Anafi.
The lights were on, but nobody home. The battery does not hold a charge. Plugging in the batt while it is on the Anafi, the blue light came on, the fan spun up, the camera moved, but the props did not twitch, nor did the camera go through the orientation routine. The bird did nit communicate with the Skycontroller or the phone.

I sent in a report and the flight log. They sent me a mailing label for an exchange, so it looks like they found reason to cover it under warranty, but it's not for sure yet.
The lights were on, but nobody home. The battery does not hold a charge. Plugging in the batt while it is on the Anafi, the blue light came on, the fan spun up, the camera moved, but the props did not twitch, nor did the camera go through the orientation routine. The bird did nit communicate with the Skycontroller or the phone.

I sent in a report and the flight log. They sent me a mailing label for an exchange, so it looks like they found reason to cover it under warranty, but it's not for sure yet.
How did crash happen?
Here's the report I sent to Parrot:

The battery was at 8% when I lifted off. I flew out over the river at about 3 meters height, and began flying down river to the right. Suddenly RTH activated, and the Anafi began flying upward. I wasn’t certain the 20m RTH height would be enough to clear the trees, so I took over and began bringing it down. Simultaneously, I began running toward an opening in the trees near the river. But I stepped into a ditch, and when I had recovered my footing, the screen showed that the Anafi was underwater. I immediately entered river, which was from 300 to 1000mm deep. After a brief search, I realized I could see into the water better with my polarized sunglasses, so I went to the truck to get them. Once I returned, I oriented myself to the last seen position of the Anafi, and was able to discover it in about 500mm of water. The drone was underwater between 10-15 minutes.

I retrieved the Anafi, removed the battery, and began shaking out the water as I headed for the truck. Once at the truck, I removed the microSD card, setting it on the dash board. After draining out as much water as possible, I placed the Anafi and battery in the sun on the dashboard, sitting on a black background. In doing this, I knocked the microSD card into the truck’s ventilation system, and so far, that is where it remains.

I kept the drone and battery in sun, but not on the black cloth, for approximately ten hours. Upon arriving back home, I covered the Anafi and battery in a silk cloth, placed them in a pan, and covered them closely with rice. I left them in the rice for 36 hours.

After 36 hours, I removed them. I plugged the battery into an outlet, at which time it blinked in a pattern, then the single green LED shown bright. But no more LEDs lit up, so it appears that the battery is not holding a charge.

I later plugged the batter into the Anafi, then plugged in the outlet cord. The Anafi fan started, and the blue light began blinking. However, I was was unable to connect the Anafi either to the phone or the Skycontroller 3.

I also tried resetting the battery by holding down the power button for 12 seconds, or until the red LEDs appeared. The red LEDs never appeared, an the battery appears to by only partly functional, but not holding a charge. Since the Anafi is not connecting, possibly it’s transceiver is damaged as well.
Trying to squeeze that one last shot in before the battery dies...it was a challenging shot for my skill level, over water, with a low battery, and I felt hurried. Plenty to criticize here!

Bringing the charger would have reduced the pressure to squeeze in the one last shot, as would owning a fully charged second battery, but, at the end of the day, taking off then was a poor decision that dramatically increased the odds of a painful outcome.
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I’m wondering if it might be worth taking the pcb out of the case and giving it a spray of clear protective coating to add some waterproofing to mitigate such events on my new anafi.
I’ve done similar with a couple of Runcam2’s I have and they seem to be holding up well having been used in some terrible weather.
Plastic seal 60
On a separate but related note, I risked flying the Anafi in the rain last week. Long story... Bottom line: not a smart move but I did it. The good news is the Anafi didn’t seem to have any problems at all. It was a light drizzle, which became moderate to light rain. The only issue was water drops on the lens in a few shots, but even those cleared up with the wind.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t reccomend flying in the rain.
When it comes to shorting out due to water ingress, it seems that there are many open slots and connections creating vulnerability...not sure that insulating only the main board would be enough. But an hour with a tube of caulk and some patience might.

Yet, look at the open motor design - it would take quite a bit of work to make those even 'water resistant'.
you'll probably find the motors are quite unaffected by water, it's the ESC's that control the motors that are the sensitive bits.
I've not taken it apart yet but anyone who has, are there discrete ESC's in the legs or is all the motor control done from the main body pcb?
I can see what looks like pcb material at the ends of each leg but no component legs or solder pads so that might just be strengthening material.

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