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Drone Anafi doesn't power up :-(


Dec 18, 2018
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Hi everybody,

just received my Drone Anafi, charged the Battery but it doesn't power up the Drone.
When I push the button ON/OFF, it shows the 4 green lights, confirming that the Battery is full but nothing else happens and green lights disappear.
When I take off the battery and plug it in back, the small ventilation works and nothing else.

Please help. Any possibility to "reset" the drone?
As far as I can imagine, the power of the battery doesn't initiate the Drone and I hope I won't have to bring it back to the seller...
Thank you
Some things to try:
1. The battery is mounted correctly? If any doubts: Mount it carefully!
2. Press the On/Off button only SHORT! A long press will not always start the drone.
If 1 and 2 without success:
3. Reset battery: Press and hold the On/Off button 15 secs while the battery is NOT installed on Anafi, but connected to a charger.
4. Then install the battery again on Anafi, charger plugged off, smartphone up and running with FF6 and do the same reset for Anafi (see 3.).
If after that Anafi starts, connect phone Wlan to Anafi's Wifi in your phone's Wifi settings and look on the FF6 homepage.
Hopefully the drone, controller and microSD symbols are now green. Tap on FLY and follow the instructions to update drone, controller.
Good luck!
Some things to try:

4. Then install the battery again on Anafi, charger plugged off, smartphone up and running with FF6 and do the same reset for Anafi (see 3.).
If after that Anafi starts, connect phone Wlan to Anafi's Wifi in your phone's Wifi settings and look on the FF6 homepage.
Hopefully the drone, controller and microSD symbols are now green. Tap on FLY and follow the instructions to update drone, controller.
Good luck!

1,2,3 done lots of time, without any results :-(
4. Can you explain "smartphone up (ok) and running with FF6 (ok) and do the same reset for Anafi (see 3.)."
How do you reset the Anafi?
It doesn't show any Wifi available. Is there any "reset button" that I couldn't find?
Thanks for your help and time.
Have you tried waiting a minute or 2 after powering up?I had the same problem until I started waiting.
I find that sometimes the first power up of the day takes a bit.The balance of my flights with fresh batteries start right away...
I plug in the battery,flip open the controller, plug in my cable then the phone,and then Freeflight starts.Within a minute or so the gimbal calibrates and the Anafi powers up.After the initial power up,the rest are much quicker.
Here is the hard reset procedure for ANAFI.
1. Power ANAFI on.
2. Press the power button and keep it pressed: after approximately 8 seconds, the battery's LEDs turn on red, one after the other.
3. When the 4 LEDs are red, release the power button.
4. ANAFI reboots - a TXT file has been generated on ANAFI's microSD card, which contains ANAFI's Wi-Fi network's password; that's how you can check the hard reset has been successful.

According to Skydreamer (another user on this site)..
To do all 3 reset..
1) Plug battery into wall charger, press and hold power button for 15 seconds.
2) Reinstall the battery in the Anafi, power up, then press and hold power button for 12 seconds to do a hard reset.
3) Connect phone to controller and it should open up freeflight 6, once the controller and the drone have connected, hit the Drone icon to the left of the SD card icon, in the next screen you will see map and numbers below map...scroll down and you will see a hidden Factory (soft) Reset button...reset anafi and right after you will be asked to recalibrate ....if that doesnt happen automatically then go to settings/camera and attempt to recalibrate from there..
Thank you guys for your help but nothing is really helping.
I've done a quick video for you to see if I'm doing all good.
Tried all the possible reset but I don't see any progress. See by yourself. Nothing has been written on the SD Card btw
If anybody has another idea, before I send it back to his owner..., I'll be more than happy.
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I am confused by your statement " send it back to his owner". Did you buy it new from Parrot or another retailer or second hand from a private seller?
Thank you guys for your help but nothing is really helping.
I've done a quick video for you to see if I'm doing all good.
Tried all the possible reset but I don't see any progress. See by yourself. Nothing has been written on the SD Card btw
If anybody has another idea, before I send it back to his owner..., I'll be more than happy.
I see in your video, that you very easily push the battery into your drone obviously without very much resistance.
So there might be a problem with the Anafi to battery connector.
I think you should return the drone to the seller.
I see in your video, that you very easily push the battery into your drone obviously without very much resistance.
So there might be a problem with the Anafi to battery connector.
I think you should return the drone to the seller.
I'm afraid this is the only way and I'm so disappointed.
I don't think it is so easy to insert the battery, it goes easily itself.
So, no other ideas? I thought about opening the drone myself to check what's wrong but I guess I can lose the guarantee...
I really don't know what to do, and want to try every possibility before giving it back to the seller...
I'm afraid this is the only way and I'm so disappointed.
I don't think it is so easy to insert the battery, it goes easily itself.
So, no other ideas? I thought about opening the drone myself to check what's wrong but I guess I can lose the guarantee...
I really don't know what to do, and want to try every possibility before giving it back to the seller...

It is clear that your Anafi does not work. You can not do anything to get your Anafi to fly without losing your warranty. The longer you wait to sending your Anafi back to the seller with a warranty claim, the longer time will go before you can fly your Anafi.

Good luck, greetings Leif.
Watching your video, on all my batteries there is a great deal more resistance when inserting in the Anafi, than what you seem to do. If I did it the way you do, the battery would definitely not seat and connect. So looks like an issue that Parrot will need to sort out under warranty.

Be good to hear if they come back to you and tell you what the issue was..... Keep us informed
Ok, this happens to me on occasion, I will do the usual press of the power button on the battery, controller on and connected to my phone and app on and connected to controller .
The 4 green lights on the battery come on, the cooling fan on the bottom of the drone starts, but the gimbal doesn't go through it's usual boot up routine, and the drone never actually boots up!
I will wait for a long time, restart it a few times by removing the battery, do a reset on the battery, etc. nothing helps...I just have to wait and come back in a few minutes and then try it again, and then remove the battery again and again and eventually the drone will boot up and all is well!
It doesn't do it often, or I would have returned it.
If you can, I would return yours and try another one, as it doesn't appear to be a very common problem.
Not at all sure what causes this!
Thank you all for your help.
I will return it and hope they will give me another one ASAP.
Santa Clause hasn't been nice with me this Year, maybe I deserved it :cry::cry:
Merry XMas
Thank you all for your help.
I will return it and hope they will give me another one ASAP.
Santa Clause hasn't been nice with me this Year, maybe I deserved it :cry::cry:
Merry XMas
Hope that 2019 will be better for U.
Anafi is a good copter: so look forward to your new bird!
(don't know whether you deserved that ... ;) )
Guys, you're not gonna believe it. Before giving the Drone back to the seller, I tap it a little bit and it starts to work !!!!!!!!
Can't believe it I had to use violence to make it fly...
I'll keep you update if something happens again. Might help other people in this forum.
Merry XMas to all and HNY
Guys, you're not gonna believe it. Before giving the Drone back to the seller, I tap it a little bit and it starts to work !!!!!!!!
Can't believe it I had to use violence to make it fly...
I'll keep you update if something happens again. Might help other people in this forum.
Merry XMas to all and HNY
Return it immediately.....if a tap can get it to work then a lil bit of vibration 50 meters above ground can cause it to loose power ....get new Anafi ,the one you have is no good...good luck
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Could you please post here a picture of your Anafi Battery connexion both on the Anafi side and on the battery side... just in case...
Guys, you're not gonna believe it. Before giving the Drone back to the seller, I tap it a little bit and it starts to work !!!!!!!!
Can't believe it I had to use violence to make it fly...
I'll keep you update if something happens again. Might help other people in this forum.
Merry XMas to all and HNY

I would not fly with the Anafi since 50 years experience says that a loose connection comes back. And it will never happens when you only are hovering 1 foot above your landing site according to Murphy's law. ;)

Murphy's law - Wikipedia

Regards, Leif.
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