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FreeFlight 6 login issues.


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2018
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I’m a new Anafi owner, after my wife bought me one for my birthday, but I’m not new to Parrot (I’ve owned a Disco for over a year) so I already have an established account with Parrot. I’ve not experienced any issues with FF6 on my Android devices but I’m unable to login on any of my iOS devices (2014 iPad Air, 2018 6thGen iPad, and iPhone 10 (XS) ) even though I have no issues with FF-Pro on these same devices. I’ve used my regular Parrot login details and even tried using my Google details and in all instances I see the spinning propeller for about a second and then the message “Unable to Connect” in red.

The version of FF6 is the latest as of today and in all cases the iOS version is 12.1.1

Any thoughts and/or advice appreciated.


I found this too and had a discussion with Parrot support.
Android account is another account for FF6 than the iOS account.

There are also other issues with Parrot accounts:
I have both apps FF6 and FF Mini on my Android phone: it is not possible any more to use my "old" account from FF Mini with FF6 and vice versa.
There seems to be no solution. My "talk" with Parrot on this theme was cut off by the support ...
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Thanks for the reply, Dirk.

I feared it was something along those lines. I have noticed a few inconsistencies, such as I can view my flight data for both the Disco and Anafi in FreeFlight Pro and the Flight Data Manager, but I only see the data for the Anafi in FF6.

As a test I tried to create a new account on the iOS FF6 and that also failed. For the time being I’ll stick with Android for the time being as having two different accounts for the same product is somewhat nonsensical and my experiences of dealing with a support rep who only has a prewritten script to work with will only serve to prematurely age me.


Hi there

Indeed i did have a similar problem, but more specificly the in-app purshases.
So be very careful. When buying use the mobile device and account to be used
on the Anafi, or buy both android and ios versions if you wish to use both, on
different devices.
The accounts and ecosystems are completely independent.


I found this too and had a discussion with Parrot support.
Android account is another account for FF6 than the iOS account.

There are also other issues with Parrot accounts:
I have both apps FF6 and FF Mini on my Android phone: it is not possible any more to use my "old" account from FF Mini with FF6 and vice versa.
There seems to be no solution. My "talk" with Parrot on this theme was cut off by the support ...
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Well I think the upshot is that you can’t have an account on both Android and iOS if using FF6. I can’t even create a new account on iOS as I only have the one email address which is obviously already registered with FF6 on Android and FFpro on both Android and iOS.

Please could Parrot sort the account management out? Even though I have Android my workflow for all my other “Drones” (50 or so) is primarily performed with iOS and/or Windows/Linux.


Well I think the upshot is that you can’t have an account on both Android and iOS if using FF6. I can’t even create a new account on iOS as I only have the one email address which is obviously already registered with FF6 on Android and FFpro on both Android and iOS.

Please could Parrot sort the account management out? Even though I have Android my workflow for all my other “Drones” (50 or so) is primarily performed with iOS and/or Windows/Linux.


Yes, I told the support that the account management could be better. They seemed to understand but the support process ended without solution.
Perhaps you should also contact the support, - constant dripping wears away the stone.
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Note that you don't need to log in at all for flying.
Thank you for sharing this! I was just experiencing this nightmare of a roundabout as I loaded freeflight 6 on my new tablet. I did see the option to not sign in, but thought for some reason that you would need to for continuing with the same purchases, etc... but they appear to be tied to the Anafi & not to your Parrot account! I'm pleased to say that everything works perfectly & it did reinstate my in-app purchases perfectly.

Thanks again @Kilrah .
In-app purchases are tied to your device's app store account, not Parrot nor the aircraft.
In-app purchases are tied to your device's app store account, not Parrot nor the aircraft.
I don't understand that? I didn't sign in to my parrot account, but the in-app purchases were reinstated. Are you saying that the purchases are tied to the Anafi, or that my Anafi has its own app store account separate to mine or that they are tied to my account with Parrot, which I didn't log in to? Sorry that it doesn't make sense for me & I'm asking for further clarification of you @Kilrah .
I don't understand that? I didn't sign in to my parrot account, but the in-app purchases were reinstated. Are you saying that the purchases are tied to the Anafi, or that my Anafi has its own app store account separate to mine or that they are tied to my account with Parrot, which I didn't log in to? Sorry that it doesn't make sense for me & I'm asking for further clarification of you @Kilrah .
I believe that Kilrah means that they are tied to either your Apple or Android store accounts. When you download the App from either store, you will be logged in and therefore it realises that you have already made the in-app purchases and will therefore automatically make them available in the new installation.
Note that this is not the case if you move across from Apple to Android (or vice-versa) as you have paid to only one of these vendors, not both.
Hope that makes sense, Ian
I believe that Kilrah means that they are tied to either your Apple or Android store accounts. When you download the App from either store, you will be logged in and therefore it realises that you have already made the in-app purchases and will therefore automatically make them available in the new installation.
Note that this is not the case if you move across from Apple to Android (or vice-versa) as you have paid to only one of these vendors, not both.
Hope that makes sense, Ian
Now that makes perfect sense! Thanks, Ian! I briefly wondered if it was tied to my app store account, but then dismissed that for some reason.

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