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Incident Log


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2018
Reaction score
Athens, Greece
Dear Pilots,

In the following link Parrot Incidents we will be able to log our incidents/crashes with the appropriate remarks in order to have a point of reference. It could be useful to track specific patterns due to software bugs or other factors.

Please feel free to post any comments or improvements. Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Best Regards
OK I see you have it set up for view only and request edit access. Are there any other options so people can just add their info without requesting edit rights? You might get busy with life and getting access might take a while to get approved.
OK I see you have it set up for view only and request edit access. Are there any other options so people can just add their info without requesting edit rights? You might get busy with life and getting access might take a while to get approved.
Ooops Sorry! - I changed it already.
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Good idea, congratulations !

Shall I suggest some ideas ?

1/ to help sorting the table and avoid open questions, I would suggest the possible answers. For example, in the column titled ‘date’ I would add a comment saying MM/DD/YYYY as I am french, I would naturally write the date dd/mm/yyyy but Augustine from Canada has written mm/dd/yyyy. If we need to sort the file by dates numbers, it will be complicated.
The same applies to the model name. I would suggest (AN)afi / (BE)bop / (B)ebooks (T)hermal so users could write AN or BE or BT for future analysis.
A for Android, I for iOS... then an other following column that would precise the version (9.0 for Android for example)...

2/ To see if there is a correlation between the phone brand and the problem (like the non functional Huawei phones with FF6 at the beginning, or the black screen problem...), I would add a column after phone, where users can precise the brand and Ref of phone like ‘iPad Mini 4’ or ‘Xiaomi Pocophone’

I didn’t dare to change the file as I do not want to mess with your work but if you permit, I’ll do ...

Good idea, congratulations !

Shall I suggest some ideas ?

1/ to help sorting the table and avoid open questions, I would suggest the possible answers. For example, in the column titled ‘date’ I would add a comment saying MM/DD/YYYY as I am french, I would naturally write the date dd/mm/yyyy but Augustine from Canada has written mm/dd/yyyy. If we need to sort the file by dates numbers, it will be complicated.
The same applies to the model name. I would suggest (AN)afi / (BE)bop / (B)ebooks (T)hermal so users could write AN or BE or BT for future analysis.
A for Android, I for iOS... then an other following column that would precise the version (9.0 for Android for example)...

2/ To see if there is a correlation between the phone brand and the problem (like the non functional Huawei phones with FF6 at the beginning, or the black screen problem...), I would add a column after phone, where users can precise the brand and Ref of phone like ‘iPad Mini 4’ or ‘Xiaomi Pocophone’

I didn’t dare to change the file as I do not want to mess with your work but if you permit, I’ll do ...


Many thanks for your feedback on this.

I added the appropriate date format in the date header (mm/dd/yyyy) - Since Agustine placed the first record I think he deserves the format of his preference!

Regarding the shortcuts I would prefer to have it as simple as possible. I would say to avoid the shortcuts (AN/BE - A- I etc ) due to some users may don't know what they mean and becuase they add a layer of complexity. Of course, if the majority of the users prefer to have shortcuts I will be OK with it.

Regarding the device model I added a new column at the end named "Phone/Tablet device"

Many Thanks!
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Great, no problem for me to type Anafi instead of ‘A’ that maybe confusing. Just beware the differences between users that will type Anafi or ANAFI and the risk of sorting the file and consider they are two different birds.

Of course we will keep the date format Agustine chose, as he is the first user to fill the file, and because he is administrator of the forum for which I’ll repeat the rules for newcomers ;o)
Rule #1 : The Administor of the forum is always right.
Rule #2 : Refer to rule #1.

Thanks for your time and ideas,
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You guys decide what works best. I just added mine to get things started. More like a test and if it can be lmproved then we should make the changes.

Sent from my LG-H873 using Tapatalk
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You guys decide what works best. I just added mine to get things started. More like a test and if it can be lmproved then we should make the changes.

Sent from my LG-H873 using Tapatalk
It is a great start to have the first record with a happy ending!!! :)

Many Thanks!
Recorded the second incident. Turned wordwrap on for results column.
Drone fell into muddy grass from height of 9 feet. Was testing to see if Anafi would fly (no intention of going very high) with battery at 20%. It did for 29 seconds. ? Fortunately everything was okay once battery was replaced. Weather at ground level was roughly 50 degrees.

Have been landing at 30% for all other flights. Just doing a small test. Didn’t expect it to fall from air at 20% but maybe at something less like 10% to 15%. Lesson learned! 30% from now on ... ?
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Recorded the second incident. Turned wordwrap on for results column.
Drone fell into muddy grass from height of 9 feet. Was testing to see if Anafi would fly (no intention of going very high) with battery at 20%. It did for 29 seconds. ? Fortunately everything was okay once battery was replaced. Weather at ground level was roughly 50 degrees.

Have been landing at 30% for all other flights. Just doing a small test. Didn’t expect it to fall from air at 20% but maybe at something less like 10% to 15%. Lesson learned! 30% from now on ... ?

Thank you very much for sharing your case! Obviously 20% is too early for a cut off!

Btw, what was the battery percentage before take off? was it 100%? - And how many days before this test the battery had the last charge?

Many Thanks & Regards
Dumb question......so would this be submitted to Parrot facebook page or Parrot website then? If it is then, how much information is needed prior to submission. I don't have any issues yet. But just in case something comes up. Thanks.
Dumb question......so would this be submitted to Parrot facebook page or Parrot website then? If it is then, how much information is needed prior to submission. I don't have any issues yet. But just in case something comes up. Thanks.

The idea for the log is neither to advertise Parrot nor to defame them. It would be great to have a single file with all human errors that caused incidents or all system bugs/problems that caused crashes. Any new or experienced pilot will be able to learn from the mistakes of others or protect himself from malfunctions. The whole aviation industry gets improved day by day for a century by examining previous failures and mistakes.

Bad things happen all the time and this specific thing "flying a drone" is in flux day by day. A new software version may cause problems under untested circumstances. Having logged these cases may prevent crashes for other pilots.

Best Regards
The idea for the log is neither to advertise Parrot nor to defame them.
I apologize, maybe I was not very clear with the question. I was not implying both (defame or advertise), I was just trying to see if this is going to be submitted to Parrot with the purpose of maybe they have answers to these issues or maybe improve upon the product. But then again I suppose, if an owner have an issue with "their" respective drone to just contact Parrot directly. I will add my own issues if anything comes up. Thank you for starting this log.
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Hi Pilots!

I just added a new column in the spreadsheet named "Discussion Thread" with the link to the appropriate thread in the forum for more details on the incident. I also updated the existing cases' links.

Best Regards
Ciao Vassilag, ottimo lavoro! Congratulazioni. Potresti inserire anche quanti cicli di ricarica ha la batteria? Decidi tu..
Thank you very much for sharing your case! Obviously 20% is too early for a cut off!

Btw, what was the battery percentage before take off? was it 100%? - And how many days before this test the battery had the last charge?

Many Thanks & Regards
Charged the battery the night before. According to the log file, it registered at 97% when the flight started.
Do you think it best if all values are metric for sake of comparison, etc.? If so I’ll change mine accordingly.
Just a suggestion:

From the many posts about crashes here I find some additional infos very important on each crash to find a possible cause or to give Parrot hints (for software/hardware improvements):
- flying constellation: smartphone alone, with SC3?
- smartphone: model, operating system?
- any background software running: ______ (virus scanner, screen recorder, battery watch ...) or FF6 running as single app?
- a crash happened WITH THIS DRONE before (No.: link in table) J/N
- battery level at takeoff
- battery level at crash time
- flight area temperature
- battery at room temperature or higher before flight J/N
- "disconnected" warning appeared before crash J/N
- "low battery" warning appeared before crash J/N
- "motor error" warning appeared before crash J/N
- any other error warning before crash: ______ (which?)
- the crash flight was logged completely or broken mid-air
- a crash is logged/counted in FF6 (on the drone's page) J/N
- "shaking propeller noise" heard directly after crash J/N (normally this is identical with the "a crash logged/counted in FF6" point above)
- a drone contact with obstacles happend before crash J/N
- propellers ok and without damages before flight J/N
- life-feed active before/after crash: ______
- last pilot action before crash/problem: ______
- man. piloting mode or autonomous mode before crash: ______ (which mode? part of the autonom. flight, in which crash happened?)
- RTH active while crashing J/N

Of course these elementary infos could be found in the report of the pilot, but who remembers to answer all the relevant points?
In addition a column for most of these infos would improve the possibility to compare crashes and crash causes.

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