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It is official, I got my Anafi!


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2019
Reaction score
North Texas
So just joined a few days ago when I decided I wanted an Anafi. Well, it is here and charging as we speak. All I have done so far is log setup my account with parrot and do the initial sync and calibrate. Now the drone bat is on the charger. The controller will need to be charged too. I did notice one thing... the controller seemed to be acting as a charger for my phone. I don't think that is good so curious if there is a way to tell it not to do that? Phone is Samsung S7 if that matters.

Also, I didn't realize it but I don't have a single micro C cord so had to jump on amazon and order me a couple more plus a mico to micro-c converter just to have in reserve. I use the fast charger with my galaxy S7 and hope I can charge at the same high rate without hurting anything. I'd love to hook it up to my smart RC charger and really charge fast but figured that might be risky so sticking to the Samsung fast charge wall wart for now.

Was hoping to get it up in the air today for a test run but at the rate battery is charging... slow! I guess I will have to wait and do maiden tomorrow.
got a short flight in right before civil twilight and have to say the little drone performed really well considering there were 15mph surface winds in my back yard. It was pretty stable and video with even the stock settings seemed to work decent. Kinda slow to adjust contrast compared to cameras and was too dark to really check for distortion but everything I tried worked including zoom, gimbal, all controls and the RTH.

I need to do some setup as the rotation speed was way too slow and the up/down seemed too fast. I also need to figure out how to record my phone screen and of course tons of experimenting with the camera settings but so far, really like it. The 5min flight only pulled down batt capacity 20 percent so I am thinking their estimate on bat life was actually real world and not advertising numbers. Amazes me how such a tiny drone and handle winds like that.
Welcome in the club :). Yeah, it’s normal for the controller to charge the phone and you can’t switch that off (regardless of Android or iOS). At first I thought I won’t like that because of a possible negative impact on my phones battery but in reality it’s a nice feature that using the FreeFlight6 app and flying your drone will not drain your phones battery.

Turning is indeed quiet slow in filming mode. It’s settings are tailored towards filming so you get smooth turns while flying and rally nice landscape videos. But I agree that when you are just hovering and want to turn it takes ages. The good thing is, depending on your need you can totally adjust both sport and filming mode to your needs and always reset those if you change your mind later.
Welcome with your new Anafi! Mine is 1/2 year old and still performs well.
For recording phone screen I use DU Recorder.
welcome. You can adjust all the pitch/roll etc speed in the settings. I have left mine as standard as I find it's well suited to filming when in normal flight mode.
Exactly. At first it felt very slow to turn on point compared to my DJI Spark, but you get used to it pretty fast and it makes total sense as it’s ment for filming

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