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Parrot Bebop 2 Connection Issues


New member
Feb 2, 2023
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Hey all,

Recently just got new batteries for my Bebop 2 and am looking to start flying again. It has been several years since I've used the drone so I am hoping some of the issues I am running into are common.

I am unable to get the drone to connect to my phone during setup. I signed into FreeFlight6 and am prompted with two options to configure the drone through the controller or my smartphone. When I choose "smartphone" it prompts me to turn on the drone and connect my phone to the drones wifi. However, when I do this nothing else happens and I am stuck at this point.

Is anyone able to provide some help with troubleshooting the connection? I am using an Iphone 13 Pro that is updated to the latest software.
Hey all,

Recently just got new batteries for my Bebop 2 and am looking to start flying again. It has been several years since I've used the drone so I am hoping some of the issues I am running into are common.

I am unable to get the drone to connect to my phone during setup. I signed into FreeFlight6 and am prompted with two options to configure the drone through the controller or my smartphone. When I choose "smartphone" it prompts me to turn on the drone and connect my phone to the drones wifi. However, when I do this nothing else happens and I am stuck at this point.

Is anyone able to provide some help with troubleshooting the connection? I am using an Iphone 13 Pro that is updated to the latest software.
FreeFlight 6 app is for the Anafi drone
For bebop try using freeflight pro app
Best of luck
On this note guys my large sky controller isn’t connecting to my BB2
Is there a procedure to follow ?
I’m a newbie from uk
Hi & welcome
i have both the sky controller 1 & the sky controller 2, and connection is different on both devices, what I do using the sky controller 1 is turn the bebop 2 on first then the sky controller and watch for the series of lights to do there thing once they are on go to the Wi-Fi setting and search for the sky controller once that is found then go to the FreeFlight pro app and you should be away, this always works for me (not saying that is the correct way someone might come along with better information) good luck & happy flying 👍
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Hallo allemaal,

Onlangs heb ik nieuwe batterijen voor mijn Bebop 2 gekregen en ik wil graag weer gaan vliegen. Het is alweer een aantal jaar geleden dat ik de drone heb gebruikt, dus ik hoop dat sommige problemen die ik tegenkom, algemeen zijn.

Ik kan de drone niet verbinden met mijn telefoon tijdens de installatie. Ik heb me aangemeld bij FreeFlight6 en krijg twee opties om de drone te configureren via de controller of mijn smartphone. Wanneer ik "smartphone" kies, wordt me gevraagd om de drone aan te zetten en mijn telefoon te verbinden met de wifi van de drone. Wanneer ik dit doe, gebeurt er echter niets en zit ik op dit punt vast.

Kan iemand mij helpen met het oplossen van problemen met de verbinding? Ik gebruik een iPhone 13 Pro die is geüpdatet naar de nieuwste software.
Met welke telefoon heeft u die app gedownload?

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