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Pelicans - Anafi

Krusty Geeza

Well-known member
Dec 31, 2018
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Adelaide, South Australia
Another self-indulgent video from me; trying to get close, but not too close, so as to not disturb a large flock of Pelicans at a wetland.

Whilst the quietness, small size & nimble nature of the Anafi was great, the lack of detail on the Pelicans is a bit of a disappointment, considering the detail elsewhere. To be fair though, even with my DSLR, Pelicans are hard to capture well exposed as they are black & white, so you have both extremes of the exposure (dynamic) range to try & capture detail within.

I was able to get within about 15 metres of the flock without spooking them at all, which in combination with a bit of zoom, could have brought them closer again.

Technical Details:
  • 4K, 23.98 fps, Cloudy
  • Automatic exposure ( Auto ISO, Auto shutter speed, HDR)
  • Straight out of camera; with no adjustments like sharpening, saturation, exposure, colour grading, etc...

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Reactions: AaronB
Nice footage, you had an Interesting effect at 00:40 when the pelicans turn with the Anafi.
We had a similar encounter. The pelicans give that billboard effect found in computer games:

Looks like the pelicans lost interest in the Anafi by the second half of your video?
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Reactions: Krusty Geeza
Nice footage, you had an Interesting effect at 00:40 when the pelicans turn with the Anafi.
We had a similar encounter. The pelicans give that billboard effect found in computer games:

Looks like the pelicans lost interest in the Anafi by the second half of your video?
Thanks for sharing the observation, Aaron. Nice footage too. I noticed that initially they were keeping an eye on the Anafi! There was only a few minutes elapsed between the first & second parts of this video. They were very quick to settle in for a snooze.

There's a weird anomaly that occurs at 0:48 where the image is disproportionately distorted. That's in the footage & is the first time I have ever seen it happen with the Anafi. It looks like she gets buffeted by a gust of wind & is thrown off-course slightly at that moment, so it could possibly be the image sensor's yaw stabilisation kicking in weirdly. Maybe? :unsure:
There's a weird anomaly that occurs at 0:48 where the image is disproportionately distorted. That's in the footage & is the first time I have ever seen it happen with the Anafi. It looks like she gets buffeted by a gust of wind & is thrown off-course slightly at that moment, so it could possibly be the image sensor's yaw stabilisation kicking in weirdly. Maybe? :unsure:
Looks more like a change in focal length - sort of a mini dolly zoom?
Wow, that's a lot of pelicans in one spot, very cool. Appears to be a good wind going on judging by the trees but the Anafi did a good job of handling it, keeps amazing me.
I couldn't really tell when you were zooming in or were you zoomed in already.
I'll have to look at the video again to see what you're talking about at 0.48.
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Reactions: Krusty Geeza
Looks more like a change in focal length - sort of a mini dolly zoom?
Interesting thought Aaron! As I have watched it a few times now at that point, it's obvious that she (Anafi) does a wiggle on the yaw axis & the distortion is related to that somehow, the pelicans didn't get closer or larger during it. I'll put it down as an anomaly & watch out to see if it occurs again at sometime.
Wow, that's a lot of pelicans in one spot, very cool. Appears to be a good wind going on judging by the trees but the Anafi did a good job of handling it, keeps amazing me.
I couldn't really tell when you were zooming in or were you zoomed in already.
I'll have to look at the video again to see what you're talking about at 0.48.
Thanks, @Mar ! It is a hotspot for the Pelicans & is an important breeding ground for them here in our city.

I didn't use any zoom on this one, I mentioned that I could have (if I remembered it at the time of flying) used zoom to possibly bring them even closer in.

I don't know why, but I rarely ever use the zoom feature. I figure that I'll always get cleaner finishes if I crop in later on in editing, rather than losing that permanently by zooming while flying. I hope that makes sense?
But, but, but...you said with a bit of zoom.

LOL , just poking fun at you. So my eyes weren't playing tricks on me afterall.
  • Haha
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