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Unable to change stunt/flip during flight.


Jan 7, 2019
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I have begun playing with the stunting on the bebop 2. If I open FreeFlight Pro without the drone connected I can click the button at the top and change the stunt option. Then connect to the drone, and then when I double-tap it will do the trick. But if I click the top button when connected to the drone I only get the pre-programmed video flights, and I am unable to change the available stunt. Am I doing something wrong? Is my phone Android Pixel 3/Android 7 tablet not compatible? Or is this the expected behavior?
I have begun playing with the stunting on the bebop 2. If I open FreeFlight Pro without the drone connected I can click the button at the top and change the stunt option. Then connect to the drone, and then when I double-tap it will do the trick. But if I click the top button when connected to the drone I only get the pre-programmed video flights, and I am unable to change the available stunt. Am I doing something wrong? Is my phone Android Pixel 3/Android 7 tablet not compatible? Or is this the expected behavior?
Hi,do you have skycontroler 2
In FreeflightPro hit Controller icon(above Fly and Film),hit Button Mapping and you will see list of which buttons to press to do flips
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I also have the same issue. Before I connect to the drone the button at the top opens the auto stunts menu. As soon as the drone is connected and flying this button now opens the auto shots menu. How do I get it to open the stunt menu instead? Thanks for your help.
In the past we would hit the stunt icon,choose stunt and when flying we would hit center of the screen twice to trigger stunt......not sure if that still works,there was lots of changes like ios and android phones have different icons on the screen and some other things,cheapest way is to get flypad

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