Unfortunately I appear to unable to access the TeamViewer website using Firefox, Chrome or Edge browsers on Windows 10 Home. I get error messages stating that the site is insecure and that this might be because the site uses outdated or unsafe TLS security settings.
Has anybody downloaded the software recently?
On my computer it zooms with clicking on the map.Problem solved. For some reason my ISP was blocking access to the Teamviewer website.
I have tried it out and it works but I am unable to zoom the google earth view. The mousewheel, even in combination with the buttons, only appears to scroll the map up and down and not zoom it. What am I doing wrong?
Nice workaround for sure - havent thought about that myself so thanks for the inspiration...makes life a little more easier although it´s still just a workaround - I would LOVE TO SEE the flightplan as a desktop app or webpage where we can edit it more precisely !
But keep it going...helpful tips are always appreciated !
I've tried it and it works too, connection is very very simple and automatic indeed. Both are good but for some reason I like the teamviewer more. Thanks you very much for this post!!!!Hello all,
For Samsung smartphones users (Galaxy A7 for me), Samsung SideSync app does exactly the same job, but in easier way.
View attachment 1903
Same issue with my iPhone XS. I am able to view my phone screen on the PC, but unable to control phone screen from PC.on ios/iphone xr ... got teamviewer working, but the PC side mouse clicks don't carry over to the FF6 app ... so its view only on the PC side (so worthless). I noticed when it first starts, a tiny message (on PC side) says "this device supports screen sharing only" ... which makes me think no mouse control allowed the from PC side to ios (or you have to get the paid version of TV). Anyone got this working on PC -> IOS using the teamviewer free versions ?