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What are the safe limits?


New member
Nov 28, 2018
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Hi, fellow pilots!

I just bought my ANAFI 4K and hope to learn how to fly it in the best possible way.

I'd like to know what safe limits to use for this drone. That is, as far as he can go up or go, without me running the risk of being without him ... I know that some factors can interfere in this like battery status, winds, interference and etc. But I believe there must be some values that practical experiences should have suggested.

So I ask the experts: how much height and distance should I put in Flight 6, using Geofence, to protect my drone? What is the minimum altitude when using RTH should I use for a safer return?

What is the best configuration for WiFi? And how dumb is that?

Other numbers that I would like to set with a safety margin are: max inclination, max inclination speed, max vertical speed, max rotation speed, max camera hit speed.

Sorry for all the doubts. But I think the answers can help other novice riders like me.

Thank you for your support!
Well, FAA says you can't fly above 400 feet off the ground and you must maintain visual line of sight. At least that's for the US.
This depends on you and your environment, nothing else. We don't know you.
Since you listed settings that have nothing to do with flight it's probably best you read the doc and understand how things work.
If you leave everything at the default settings you will be fine. Start flying in a large open area. Check your surroundings for anything that might cause you problems. Mostly just go and have fun.
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Let me try a very subjective answer:
- battery status: fully loaded 100%
- wind: Anafi can deal very good with moderate wind
- interference: if you mean Wifi thats a relevant point. Use a Wifi Analyzer app and test your range
- height: max. in your country
- distance: already 400m from you Anafi is only a small point in the sky. So test where your safety feeling is.
- RTH height: Do a manual flight over the obstacles near you or in the planned flight path. Set the RTH height above the highest obstacle height.
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