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2020 bebop 2 memory expansion question...


Jun 6, 2020
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I have had my bebop 2 for about 5 years now and would like some advice from others about expanding the memory via the USB port. I have read many discussions here as well as comments on YouTube and all these discussions seem to be from a few years ago with nothing recent. I have read that some software versions work while others don't, that a 64GB USB won't work and only a 32GB will, some have downgraded the software to allow the expansion to work, and some people have run scripts and others not. I would like to hear from anyone who has expanded the memory on their bebop 2 and what works and what doesn't.

I tried to do this some time ago with advce from a YouTube video, (I believe it was this one
and I couldn't get it to work. I wasn't gettng the conformation signal that the video was going straight to the flash drive. I am attempting to solve this issue again and need some advice.

My hardware version is HW_02, software version is 4.7.1, GPS software is 3.01F. I have a Kingston OTG 64GB flash drive.
Update: I tried to make this work on firmware 4.7.1, 4.3.0, and 4.2.1 with no success. When I press the power button 8 times to send all data to the external memory, I always get the 5 warning sounds that it didn't accept the command. If anybody has any other suggestions on what they did or how this worked for them, I would be open to attempt this again. For the time being my bebop 2 is running 4.7.1 again and I will leave it like this and just enjoy my flights normally.
I would think in order for that to work, you would have to find out what version of firmware he was using when he made the video. I had also seen a video on a way to copy videos from the drone to the phone using a USB cable which would be faster then Wifi. It did not work and I figure for the same reason.

Normally I don't have a problem with the memory. I record in 23 frames, standard quality and usually carry three batteries with me. Only a few trips I made I carried a 4th battery and I did fill the memory. I just offloaded the videos to my phone and erased the drone memory. The Wifi transfer does take some time. What I will do is when I am going to the next location, Ill leave the drone on and transfer the videos.

I would think in order for that to work, you would have to find out what version of firmware he was using when he made the video. I had also seen a video on a way to copy videos from the drone to the phone using a USB cable which would be faster then Wifi. It did not work and I figure for the same reason.

Normally I don't have a problem with the memory. I record in 23 frames, standard quality and usually carry three batteries with me. Only a few trips I made I carried a 4th battery and I did fill the memory. I just offloaded the videos to my phone and erased the drone memory. The Wifi transfer does take some time. What I will do is when I am going to the next location, Ill leave the drone on and transfer the videos.


I am thinking that Parrot did something to prevent this from happening. I have tried a handful of firmwares including that ones that worked for others in their videos and I can not get this mod to work. For now, I will ignore this mod just use the internal memory.

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