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Anafi Thermal mapping mission with PIX4D


New member
Dec 5, 2019
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my mission is to complete a thermal mapping of a structure and produce an orthomosaic map
I am using the ANAFI Thermal drone and PIX4D capture

My question:
When i start the flight, do both RGB and thermal cameras get activated automatically as the drone is taking pictures? Or are there settings i need to enable?

My client wants thermal images of the building...

Thanks for your help.
my mission is to complete a thermal mapping of a structure and produce an orthomosaic map
I am using the ANAFI Thermal drone and PIX4D capture

My question:
When i start the flight, do both RGB and thermal cameras get activated automatically as the drone is taking pictures? Or are there settings i need to enable?

My client wants thermal images of the building...

Thanks for your help.

Pix4D needs a 640 resolution thermal camera. Your 160 resolution Lepton sensor will not work.
Sorry that response was from my cell phone, and I am too lazy to try and type stuff out on it.

Unfortunately you will be unable to use Pix4D and your Anafi Thermal. Pix4D Support says the images won't even calibrate. Here is a link to Pix4D's Thermal Mapping section.

I too, was disappointed when I read the above linked page.

You can still give your client thermal images of the building though.
I haven’t tried it yet, but I just updated to the new 1.6.4 Thermal firmware and it says you should have the ability to use Pix4D Mapper for thermal renderings...click the link below...goes to parrot release notes

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But i finally was able to complete the mission
From the console - set the sensor to thermal then active your flightplan and go..
Note: I take off vertically first to about 100 feet then i trigger the flightplan. From the ground the parrot tended to flight horizontally for a bit before gaining altitute. Did not like that.

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