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AR Drone Academy and Parrot Cloud


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Nov 13, 2022
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Just got an old AR 2, mostly for python-based laptop autonomous flight research. However, I’d also like to play with FreeFlight 2.4 as well. Is the AR Drone Academy stuff still supported? I’ve had trouble creating an account in App, as my modern iPhone doesn’t let you fill in the second password field when trying to register; a screen resolution thing I suspect, and I will try on an old iPad too, but the new iPhone often crashes the app when you try this anyway. However, some other inApp links are broken, and I note the ardrone2.parrot.com site has been offline since 2018. Does Parrot Cloud work with these, or has anyone hacked the App to update embedded links?


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Forget about academy. Don't use the AR drone 2.0 poor security (I don't think they have any security) can be wi-fi deauthed (disconnects your controller for the rest of the flight) like the bebop 1s and 2s. We are waiting years for a patch, even then the radio chips in those drones may not even support 802.11w PMF.
Even with wpa2 the bebop 1 AND 2s can be disconnected without this feature on. I have looked in telnet and no way to enable it or make it secure. No one knows.
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I’m an AI/CS researcher, wanting to use cheap drones, and happy to reverse engineer and improve on firmware and Apps, especially for “dead” technology. So, the (lack of) security, etc, aren’t a problem. I just wanted to know what, if any, current connectivity existed now

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