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Cautionary tale of Anafi flyaway due to poor design of the controller. But all ends well.


Aug 4, 2019
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Had problem with the Anafi 2 days ago deciding that it didn't have adequate GPS despite status to contrary prior to take off. Flew it again today and had the same issue. Decided to bring it in as although set off with GPS status allegedly fine as soon as it got airborne the message came up poor GPS signal etc. - restricted facilities etc.. So at this point I decided to bring it in manually and try again. As it hovered about 6 feet above the landing mat as I was making final adjustments my phone slipped out of the controller and the top edge was wedged and also the bottom edge wedged against the 2 controller sticks! The drone took off horizontally in the direction its backside was pointing, very low and at a steady speed as of course the controls were wedged in position. By the time, a matter of seconds, I got the phone out completely the controller and phone of course had lost connection and the drone was no longer visible.

Fortunately since it was so low over scrub grass with a wooden fence and some abandoned rowing boats and the like in it’s path it couldn’t really go too far.without hitting something. A consoling factor as it could have been me it hit or off into the river. However it scuttled off elsewhere. Sure enough I found it lying in the grass about 40 m away. Not sure if it hit the fence it was near or just ate the grass. Anyway apart from the arms not being in flight position no visible damage. Gimbal since facing away from danger seemed fine. Couldn’t see any scratches or propeller chips so stuck it on the mat and gave it another go. This time GPS was fine and I adjusted the yaw speed which was too low and it flew like a good 'un for the full battery. Yet to check it out fully at home but the bird lives I think.

However I am not impressed at all with the default mobile phone connection on the Anafi. I find it very difficult to insert the phone in the first place. It is not feasible to just slide it in which is the way most videos show it is done as the on/off and sound adjustment buttons are in the way so you have to prise the controller apart and then quickly push the phone in. The grooves for wedging a phone are not the best. The phone used was a Sony Xperia L1 which is not particularly wide or thick but is as today illustrated very clearly an accident waiting to happen. Not sure how the phone became dislodged as I had very carefully checked a firm contact before flying. Not the first time I have used this combo of phone/controller so thought I was reasonably used to it.

Fortunately I have a iPad Mini which I will now use with the iPad Mini Anafi mount 1 which I got recently. This also has a lanyard connector part which will also secure the bottom edge of the iPad from slipping and interfering with the sticks. Also has a very handy plastic insert for switching the controller power off without having to remove the /phone/iPad and close the controller. Hopefully will be altogether more secure. May even get one purpose made for the phone as the guy who makes them 3D prints them to order if measurements supplied AFAIK

Anyway fellow Anafi owners beware!.
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Happens to many of us. This is the solution:
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Good to know I'm not alone! The link in my OP is to a UK version of a tablet holder available via Ebay. I think the support foot/lanyard is available separately if the tablet holder section is not required.
I designed the holder that Rocky linked to. It only costs a few pence to print, if you know someone with a 3D printer. The back legs protect the controller usb port from stress from the lead which can damage the port especially when using heavy tablets.
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This is one I made up link contains STL work fine

I like the SC3 however there is problem with big tablets . There was post listing a Parrot large tab mount on forum

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