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DROHUB - Real time field operations from your Phone, PC or TV.

Well it always has to be AMSL unless I used the Google API to get local elevation. Either that or use the barometric pressure of the phone, which I am not sure even exists. I will talk with the designsrteven so
Well no thats not a problem but like I said earlier you need to get a manual together so new users can read it over and know what is what. The App is very basic with little documentation.
Just trying to help you out. ;)
I am very glad. Thanks a lot and I hope I have not wasted anyone's time.

Not at all, I am more into exploring how to make the RC hobby a better place. My dad used to fly blank gas engine planes back in the 60's and I would watch him spin around with this plane on the end of his tether strings till he got dizzy LOL So I love everything RC and what you guys come up with. I hate all these people who don't appreciate what it took to go from that to what we have in modern day UAV flying. Thank god for the experimenters. Keep up the great work.
Hello @drohub, and congratulations for your efforts in proposing something new in the world of drone.

I have two Anafis here in France as a hobbyist but now as a Professional in survey and 3D reconstruction.

In my discussions with some local authorities, I also act as a consultant when it comes to technical drones.
I am interested in the professional video feedback from the drones and believe it will be a growing market in the coming years (firemen get a clearer view of the scene from above in fires or accidents, police forces can check and secure the area...)

I also went to look at your website (very well made), but I have some questions, and I thought it would be useful to post them here :

- From my understanding, your system requires a telepilot with both the connexion to the Anafi via WiFi and the access to a 4G cellular network to communicate with an image server on the web on phone/tablets. The ‘clients’ must also have a solid 4G connexion to internet to access the image server and see What the Anafi actually sees (with a lower resolution that what the telepilot sees on the screen, please correct me if I don’t get it right)
Would it be possible for the operators on the field, and with an app on their phone/tablet, to get directly the signal emitted by the drone ? (To shorten the loop and have the same feedback as the telepilot).

- I read the Anafi is now no longer produced but the SDK and the software based for the Anafi will be the same for the Anafi USA. Do you plan to support both drones (and hope for a success of the rather expensive Anafi USA) ?

- Did you contact Parrot to submit your (good) ideas ? (I know they have a sort of marketing ‘ear’ for new ideas, not sure what they do hear if I refer to the last agressive campaign)

Sorry for my English and thanks again for your interest and participation in the forum.

@Agustine: I think the RC community you describe still exists, but in universities. At least here in Europe, there are a number of competitions which focus solely on the optimization of RC planes, case in point the Air Cargo Challenge. My university's Aeronautical Engineering course (the one i took) has several classes related to construction of RC planes as a platform for aircraft design and optimization. For example on the helicopter's class we had a class competition where we needed to design the auto rotation system of blades and hub with the goal of making a weight drop the slowest possible from a drop point. Very simple, but you could see very cool phenomena like static stability effects of the dihedral angle of the blades to the hub. The teacher was even able to come up with a single bladed prop system, which amazingly has advantages on the drag coefficient. If auto rotation does not mean much, think that Windmills towers are nothing more than auto-rotating prop-hub systems. Also a lot of the guys doing this funny RC stuff amazingly end up being employed by the UAV companies.

@MustangPhil thanks for the feedback and for your kind words.
- From my understanding, your system requires a telepilot with both the connexion to the Anafi via WiFi and the access to a 4G cellular network to communicate with an image server on the web on phone/tablets. The ‘clients’ must also have a solid 4G connexion to internet to access the image server and see What the Anafi actually sees (with a lower resolution that what the telepilot sees on the screen, please correct me if I don’t get it right)
Would it be possible for the operators on the field, and with an app on their phone/tablet, to get directly the signal emitted by the drone ? (To shorten the loop and have the same feedback as the telepilot).
Your understanding is right, but maybe the goal of DROHUB is misunderstood. The gains that DROHUB is trying to achieve is in not requiring people to be near the pilot or in a local network. It aims at decentralizing the field. If you want that kind of topology then you can just put the DROHUB platform in your own computer(yes it is trivial, i have it in my computer :)) and have it available in a local network. Then you will avoid the round trip to the internet as DROHUB can work completely isolated from the internet. I actually was very careful in making the DROHUB platform internet independent. For this scenario I am looking for commercial partners as this means that there is access to the whole platform installation, but if there is interest I can surely sell licenses of the whole platform.

There is another way, but I would need to make modifications of the DROHUB application to basically forward the video from the Anafi unmodified. It is technically trivial to broadcast the ANAFI feed but there was a bug in the Parrot implementation that made life hard. Have not looked again for quite some time.

- I read the Anafi is now no longer produced but the SDK and the software based for the Anafi will be the same for the Anafi USA. Do you plan to support both drones (and hope for a success of the rather expensive Anafi USA) ?
I honestly have not found official confirmation of the discontinuation of the consumer ANAFI. It is concerning, but on the other hand from my market research and industry experience I can understand such a position very well. B2C is very hard for technical products and while it is hard to charge a consumer even a one-time 30Euros, an inspection job will easily earn several 100s or 1000s of euros of productivity on a flight session, so the professional drone user will have no issue in paying the same 30 euros, or probably much more. Theoretically Parrot would get the money back in volume, but on a technical product people are going to misuse and complain and return stuff at a huge rate. I see in some forums people complaining about issues, that I am pretty sure are down to bad maintenance of the machines. Do you trust a consumer to check the props for dents before flight? Do you trust a consumer to check for dust in the bearing of the motors? Do you trust a user to use the original USB cable? Do you trust a user to not install accessories on a drone? I have seen people install the craziest stuff on the ANAFI, without the slightest idea of how such accessories will play with the dynamics models of the drone. When it falls, they will say it "fell". Hmmm...In the end, parrot is a business and they are accountable to their employees and shareholders. With all that said, what i want is that Parrot continues to make good quality drones at a good price, with the availability for enthusiasts and professionals to get them. The people looking for a toy already have very good choices even from Parrot. See also my situation, it is huge exposure in letting you guys play and find the issues and defects with the DROHUB. If I was targeting only businesses i would need to only make sure it works for my few clients. DROHUB could be much less perfect and still be usable. Maybe I am too proud, masochist, or a bad business man. I would choose proud in my work :)

- Did you contact Parrot to submit your (good) ideas ? (I know they have a sort of marketing ‘ear’ for new ideas, not sure what they do hear if I refer to the last agressive campaign)
I did, but only yesterday, so no answer yet. I want to have a solid user experience and a way forward. In the end I can only have a way forward if the platform is usable and this is where you guys are actually helping a lot :)

Again thank you for your feedback. I have updated the application so that the drone registration and error reporting is of better quality. @Agustine let me know if you want credits in the release note for your feedback.

I will now try to focus on making contacts and demos so there can be funding for new features.

Currently the features in the pipeline are:
* Camera controls (zoom/pan) in the browser client
* Mute in the browser client.
How can we change plans/pricing? I choose the Free one but this allowed me just to hook up the drone and stare a few minutes at my screen to figure things out. Maybe you could allow for a longer time for newbies but with something like "Demo" overlayed on the video.
Do I have to delete my account and restart the registration? Is it Work In Progress or did I miss somethingh?
I've just noticed my allowed flight time has been increased to 9999923.699029803 flight minutes but the question remains: how do we switch plans?

I believe the other plans will not become active till all the beta testing is done which is basically what we are doing for him. I might be wrong.
Hey all,
Currently there is no way to switch plans unless you ask or re-register. The reason is that I have not yet implemented the payment part. I manually added almost unlimited amount of minutes so no functionality is blocked. The only thing that I could further re-adjust is the number of invitations for the flight area, let me know if you need it.
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The video link on your site fails... Google Chrome reports an invalid security cert for youtube-nocookie.com
Odd, as Google owns you tube!
If I remove the "-nocookie" bit it works fine...
Just came back in from a flight and had my son at home watching the flight in real time. No errors using Google Chrome on the home PC. Son said it was very smooth and just like watching a drone video.
The video link on your site fails... Google Chrome reports an invalid security cert for youtube-nocookie.com
Odd, as Google owns you tube!
If I remove the "-nocookie" bit it works fine...
o_O If it is not too much to ask, could you send me a print screen of the certificate details? I checked google and it basically should not happen as the certificate should white list youtube-nocookie. Details on stack overflow. Could it be there is some issue with the DNS resolving on your connection? I tried on chrome and saw no issue, and no one has reported it. I will do some research about it. Thanks for the feedback.
Just came back in from a flight and had my son at home watching the flight in real time. No errors using Google Chrome on the home PC. Son said it was very smooth and just like watching a drone video.
Great news! This is very good, that people do not have any obvious concerns. Makes me personally very happy :)
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o_O If it is not too much to ask, could you send me a print screen of the certificate details? I checked google and it basically should not happen as the certificate should white list youtube-nocookie. Details on stack overflow. Could it be there is some issue with the DNS resolving on your connection? I tried on chrome and saw no issue, and no one has reported it. I will do some research about it. Thanks for the feedback.
On the drohub page it says:
"The web page at www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5EXXe8nz9M8?rel=0&modestbranding=1&autoplay=0&color=white might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.."

If I paste the link into chrome, I get the security warning...
Downloaded cert attached, zipped.

If I paste the link as youtube.com...
it works.

dns resolver is opendns, no other problems at all....


  • ct.zip
    563 bytes · Views: 2
Hello all,

For about a year now, I have been working on a platform called DROHUB to allow live stream of video from the drone to the internet browser. The time has come to show it to the world as a Beta demo.

DROHUB is a collaborative tool that allows a pilot to use DROHUB's Android app connected to the ANAFI and Internet so it can share the live video with very low latency. Besides sharing, there is also multi-directional audio communication between the pilot and the viewers on the DROHUB platform website.
After a pilot disconnects the app, the live video is made available in the DROHUB Gallery within seconds, including not only the video but also the audio of the multiple participants.

Scenarios which I aim at enabling are drone technical inspections(no support for Thermal at the moment) and security overviews, where the collaboration between assets on the field and people in the control center improve operations efficiency and effectiveness. For that, the DROHUB platform allows for actions to be triggered in any web browser, including mobile ones (excluding Safari) to be executed on the drone remotely. Currently the available actions are picture triggering, and on-board video start/stop, but when safe usability is guaranteed, take-off; land; and map movements will be shown as available in the DROHUB website.

DROHUB also has a permissions system so that different types of users can only have access to what they need. An example is that a guest (the default role for an invitation to a Flight Area) can only see live video and play videos. It cannot do remote flight actions, nor modify/delete assets, nor fly.

DROHUB is currently available as Software as a Service, but if there is commercial interest, there is the possibility of hosting the platform on-premises.

As written, DROHUB is currently in beta mode so I am not charging the for the usage for it's duration. In exchange I am open to feedback on the technical usability as well as defects the various components may have. Please also be aware that the system may not be reliable all the time, nor do I guarantee the integrity of the data recordings. The website has a method for deleting, tagging and downloading the videos en-mass so make use of it. I am also collecting flight data and recording it. The data is not sold nor transferred to any 3rd party, and the terms will be updated if that would happen.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damage or issue while using the platform. I can only tell you that for a full year of testing I never had any situation where i lost control of the drone. In the unlikely even of the application crashing while flying keep in mind that the SkyController has full authority and is usable even when the app is crashed. Keep calm and fly safe.
This great news ... any chance for a version for us iPhone users?

BTW> I found a solution for being able to narrate and record audio from my flights with the Anafi drone. I downloaded an app called DU screencapture app from the Apple Store. If anyone Is interested I will record a video tutorial.
Is this project still alive? The android app link is dead and the website just returns a bad cert and eventually a login upon refresh.

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