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FreeFlight Pro cannot see my Bebop 1


Jan 12, 2022
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I fly, or rather until spring I flew my blue Bebop 1 until suddenly the app stopped seeing it. In the WiFi network, the phone and tablet connect to it without any problems ... Things that I have already done after consulting the Parrot service:
- I reset the drone
- I tried to upload new updates to him from their website from a connected USB flash drive (formatted in Fat32 and not larger than 2 GB), but the drone does not respond to it at all. The green diode should be flashing and it is shining steadily ...
- replaced the motherboard - and nothing!
- I tried through SkyControler, but he "didn't see" the drone ...
- I disconnected the camera - nothing ...
- I disconnected the GPS - nothing ...
I do not know what to do? Maybe some of you have gone through something similar?
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I had a similar issue. What I did was allow the free flight pro app to access videos from iPhone and allow for location services but only when app is used.
MavericPro1966 Thank you for your answer :) unfortunately I tried it too and it doesn't work :(
There's an answer to this let me do a little research and I'll get back.

That said grab Litchi and try it
So ... I bought this application and it is still the same :( The application does not detect my drone although it is visible on the web. All consents are granted for the application. We keep looking :)
I replaced the motherboard personally, but also for a used one, the seller from whom I bought it assured me that it works ...
Did you ever figure this out? I'm having the exact same issue, new board too, app does nothing no matter which version I use on many devices.
No, unfortunately no. I changed the drone to DJI 2 Mini and said goodbye to Parrot. I have the impression that this is a deliberate move by the company to no longer use the old platform. I have never found a solution to my problem.
I also moved to dji, I'm also inclined to believe that parrot have bricked the old products due to no longer being in the consumer market.

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