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Anafi Controller has been slimmed down


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2018
Reaction score
Kumamoto, Japan
Today, here in Japan, I received a new replacement Anafi.
I noticed that the controller now weighs 282 gram as opposed to the older version that weighed 385 gram.
I asked support here in Japan and they said that so many people thought the older model was too heavy, so the latest model has had the extra "ballast" weights removed.
Do you prefer the weight of the old or new controller?
Does it balance well in the hand with a phone attached but without the balance weights?
I'll post my reply as soon as I have time to get up and flying again. Probably on Wednesday.
Just holding it while updating the software etc. felt slightly more comfortable. But I will wait until I have done a field test before I post my final impression.
As someone in the German forum has documented - the weights in the 'old' controller can be easily removed. Just open the controller using the screwdriver which is in the spare props package. The weight consists of two metall cubes, each app 50g in weight. On reason why the weights were installed was to keep the SC standing upright with a smartphone in the holder (Parrot support says so).
As someone in the German forum has documented - the weights in the 'old' controller can be easily removed.
. . . . . which would probably void the guarantee. Anyone getting the new lighter weight controller in the future will probably be happy with it. Maybe someone will post a method to add weights in the future! :)
IMHO opening the SC by unscrewing some unmarked screws will not void the guarantee and as far as I know the weights are not glued in, so they can easily be put back again if neccessary.
It's a shame that they could not have made that 100 g as a larger capacity battery instead of dead weight.
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Do you prefer the weight of the old or new controller?
Does it balance well in the hand with a phone attached but without the balance weights?
I finally got a spell of good weather and was able to go out with the Anafi today.
I use an 8inch android tablet with the controller.
Speaking for myself, I found that the lighter controller felt more comfortable, due to it weighing less. I cannot say if the balance was better or worse, but total comfort was better.
Is it still heavy enough to hold up your phone and not tip over when set on a flat surface with phone in clamp?
As I said above I use an 8" android tablet.
The tablet weighs 350gm. - heavier than the controller. That means it will tip over, as you are wondering.
However, the whole setup would tip over, even with the older, heavier controller.
Now I have less total weight to hold and feel that the whole setup is more comfortable to hold.
In the few cases where I use a larger, heavier screen, I have the screen clamped to a tripod and only need to hold the controller in my hands and avoid any balancing problems.
To be honest, I have never found the weight or balance of the controller to be anything to worry about. I am more interested in how the Anafi is performing in the air.

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