So I was using my Anafi with Pix4D Capture for mapping work today and it fell from the sky during the middle of the planned flight. I did notice that my phone was having a hard time connecting the Anafi's wifi before hand, having to restart the Anafi one or two time, so I am suspecting that a connection issue is to blame. It also was fairly windy so it could have been a wind gust but I have used the Anafi with Pix4D in similar conditions before with no problem. All of the props were intact so it was not caused by the props breaking mid-flight. It does seem that a lot of people on the forum have had problems with the Anafi crashing so I am just curious is frequent crashing and poor reliability just something one has to expect with the Anafi. I love the drone otherwise but it seems like reliability is a serious issue, particularly if one is flying near populated areas. I also assume that one should replace the props after a crash?
Thank you for the advice.
Thank you for the advice.