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Bebop 2 Disappointment


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2019
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Just finished opening up my Bebop 2 FPV that arrived today! Opened both boxes, box 1 ok that's the one with the drone apart from the bigger capacity battery! Opened box 2 with the controller and right away spied the black joysticks on the Skycontroller 2 so opened the battery cover to check on battery and just as I thought the dreaded round battery!! so everything back in the boxes ready to return to Amazon, but I am going to phone Parrot in the morning to see what my options are as I have a brand new backpack that I bought direct from Parrot and also a 2700 mAh battery that I bought from Drones Direct that I assume is unable to be charged using the charger for the 3350 mAh battery so hopefully they will allow me to return it. I doubt if Parrot will even try to resolve this so it looks like return everything and go the Phantom 3 route which I don't really want to do but it looks like the best option.
Well, my Bebop 2 fpv arrived today also, and yes, it’s the same as yours.......
Thought about it, and decided to keep it and use it, if the controller goes “t*ts up” then I will return it under warranty and see what happens?
A few things swayed my decision,
*they are selling out number of stockists I tried don’t have any left.
* the bebop has the larger battery and charger
*black stick version has better range ( accordung to the feedback on this forum
* the current price seems good.

Will be interested what feedback you get from Parrot !
Did you also get your drone from Amazon? I am hoping I can come to some sort of arrangement with Parrot re the controller as they have admitted that the round battery is suspect, also the goggles that came with it are the ones supplied with the Power pack and not the better looking ones with the white. I am like you in that I realise stocks are selling out and the price is good but I just don't want to be in the position of encountering problems in a few weeks and having no backup. Having said that there may be no problems with the drone but right now I have a new battery that is not compatible with the charger so that needs to be resolved.
My missus ordered mine from “ very” (as a surprise) when I popped into curry’s on Monday night I was told they were all sold out.
Re the headset, I thought the same as you, however the black ones seem to be the better option, half the weight and size of the white ones and more comfortable.
( I already have another black set in my Mambo and they are spot on, they are the latest version.)
Good to know the black ones are the latest version and I did see a Youtube review where the chap said he preferred the black ones, to be honest that doesn't concern me too much, it's more the fact that I have a battery that I am going to have to try & return while trying to source a spare power one while in the meantime my play time! will be severely restricted. I looked at Very too as well as Currys, and when I logged in to Curries next day they were sold out for delivery. It will be good to know how you get on with your one so keep updating. To be honest I am sick as a Parrot (pardon the pun) as I have a day off work tomorrow and thought I was going to charge it tonight ready for a trial tomorrow.
Sure you will get the battery sorted..... like I say, will be interested in Parrots response re the controller..... I will keep in touch with my progress.... wouldn’t fancy flying tomorrow, it will be 0 degrees all day, But I no doubt will.... ( that will test the battery!)
Yeah, it's to be approx 3 deg here but no wind so I thought I would brave it too but sadly not now. However depending on my conversation with Parrot I may still be flying as I really like the look of the drone and have the genuine backpack ready to put it in and set out. I like the size of it compared to the Phantoms, not too obtrusive. Good luck with your flight and look forward to reading your thoughts on it.
Mine has the black controller sticks and I have been using it for 6-7 months with no issues whatsoever. I am not disputing others have, but I have not been one of them. Hope this helps.
Mine has the black controller sticks and I have been using it for 6-7 months with no issues whatsoever. I am not disputing others have, but I have not been one of them. Hope this helps.
Thanks for that info, that's good to know. What battery does your controller have?
Sure you will get the battery sorted..... like I say, will be interested in Parrots response re the controller..... I will keep in touch with my progress.... wouldn’t fancy flying tomorrow, it will be 0 degrees all day, But I no doubt will.... ( that will test the battery!)
Just spoke with Parrot and chap I spoke to could not have been more helpful and asked me to email him screenshots of receipts and photos of drone plus serial numbers of batteries in drone and controller. He is going to try and sort it out for me so I will update as and when I get any info back. A bit frustrating though.
Parrots solution to my problem is to return it to Amazon for refund or exchange but as it is 99% likely they will send out same package again I am going for a refund. Parrot did say there may be problems getting replacement round batteries for the controllers so they advised to return for other style but were unable to exchange my controller directly which is a real pity as I really liked the features and style of the BB2 and was looking forward to flying it.
It's kind of strange that Parrot don't tell the same think to everyone, must depend on who you talk to at the other end.

When i called last week, it was only a week since i bought the FPV pack, the person at the other end was really competent, after a few test, he told me that they would replace the whole package even if it was only the controller that was faulty. Even if it was only a week, he never ask me to return it to BestBuy.

The customer should not have to take care of the defect product themselves and re-explain the problem a second time to the store employees after he already done it with the Parrot Support.

Parrot should stand behind there product and take the responsability to do the replacement instead of telling customer to take care of it themselves.

The support i received from Parrot was top notch, but from the comment we can read down here, not everyone received the same level of support
I wish Parrot had done that for me as I really wanted that drone. I emailed them back to see if they had any stock of BB2 either FPV or Power pack and they have not replied. I have now shipped the drone back to Amazon for a refund and have to say I am very disappointed with the whole situation. Still waiting on Parrot emailing me with details on how to return the backpack for a refund so I will see how that goes.
I mailed Parrot regarding the cylindrical battery issues, reply seemed to be fairly honest, he said there had been some issues with the cyliderical battery not taking a full charge. Said use it and if I am unlucky enough to have an issue with it not taking a full charge, box it up and they will replace.
Fair enough I guess, just need to keep an eye on the charge,

He also said there isn’t any issue with any spare parts, Parrit would continue to stock.
I’m ok with that..... watch this space !
I mailed Parrot regarding the cylindrical battery issues, reply seemed to be fairly honest, he said there had been some issues with the cyliderical battery not taking a full charge. Said use it and if I am unlucky enough to have an issue with it not taking a full charge, box it up and they will replace.
Fair enough I guess, just need to keep an eye on the charge,

He also said there isn’t any issue with any spare parts, Parrit would continue to stock.
I’m ok with that..... watch this space !

Where are you located? I am hearing that the EU Parrot online store may still be open, but not the US one.
Regarding spare parts:
I received an email from Parrot in the process of the return of my FPV pack. This email was clearly meant for someone else because it was a response to someone's question about Parrot Disco spare parts.
I'm going to paste the body of the email below:

Unfortunately Parrot has closed the online store and we no longer have the option to purchase an item directly through Parrot.com But you can find the Servos on Amazon or eBay. Please check the following link:
I have asked the person that I am in contact with for my return straight out:
Does Parrot intend on continuing support for the Bebop 2 to include spare parts?
I have not received a response to this question
Never opened to look but from what I understand all the black stick are round. If it ain't broke......
Hello Hawkeye,

I’ve had two versions of the Power Skycontroller 2 with black sticks, the first has the same square battery as the others and uses the same circuitry with 4-mini patch antennas. Only difference it has the Black rubber band around the antenna case.

The second Power Skycontroller 2 also has the Black rubber band, and Black sticks. But has the cylinder battery, and has two larger antennas instead of the 4-mini patch antennas.

If yours has the square battery, that’s ok you’ll get more flights per charge.

Happy flying,
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