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Camera Comparison with Mavic Pro


Dec 9, 2018
Reaction score
Hi there,

Please have a look at a comparison of photos taken with my new drone (Parrot Anafi) vs my old drone (DJI Mavic Pro).

These photos were taken in rubbish weather - misty, overcast with winds gusting to approx 20mph.

The Mavic was rock solid in these conditions, whereas the lighter Anafi was getting blown around a bit.

However looking at the photos, I think the Anafi's are way better! The DJI ones have a strange kind of misting / overexposure that always seems to happen in poor light conditions with my Mavic.

All photos are exactly as downloaded with no post processing - using the standard jpeg rect mode on the Anafi, and the standard photo mode on the Mavic.

Be interested to hear your comments / thoughts!

Unless the photos were taken on the same day right after each other, then this is not a valid comparison. Although the conditions might seem the same to you, the lighting - sun position, cloud density etc - could still be significantly different.
The photos were taken on the same day, the Mavic ones first of all, and then the Anafi ones about 5 mins later. There was no change in the weather conditions as it was overcast and misty throughout.
Honestly it is difficult to compare the Anafi and the Mavic Pro with theses pictures.
I own both too and I wanted to buy the Anafi because I was not pleased with the Mavic's colorimetry. It is almost impossible to have true rich colorfull colors with the Mavic Pro. The more sun there is, the more awfull the render is. I love my Mavic Pro but its camera is bad for it. But the pictures are crip and very detailled.
It is quite the contrary with my Anafi. The colors are very nice, pleasant, true, but the pictures lack in the sharpness chapter and are very often smooth particulary the foliage. I don't know if all the Anafi's are the same but it seems that some of them are better than mine.
Difficult for me to choose even if I tend to prefer the Anafi's camera
Honestly it is difficult to compare the Anafi and the Mavic Pro with theses pictures.
I own both too and I wanted to buy the Anafi because I was not pleased with the Mavic's colorimetry. It is almost impossible to have true rich colorfull colors with the Mavic Pro. The more sun there is, the more awfull the render is. I love my Mavic Pro but its camera is bad for it. But the pictures are crip and very detailled.
It is quite the contrary with my Anafi. The colors are very nice, pleasant, true, but the pictures lack in the sharpness chapter and are very often smooth particulary the foliage. I don't know if all the Anafi's are the same but it seems that some of them are better than mine.
Difficult for me to choose even if I tend to prefer the Anafi's camera

Do you use an ND filter with your Anafi?
Hi, no filter was used either on Anafi or Mavic - I just wanted to see the pictures exactly as designed without using any filers or special modes!

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