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Cannot achieve GPS lock on ANAFI


New member
Oct 14, 2022
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I'm trying to control my ANAFI drone via MAVLink but I'm having issues with the GPS.
Within FreeFlight6 the GPS icon for the drone remains red - I've tried hard resetting and calibration but this does not change anything.

I've done some further analysis using a wireshark and QGroundControl:
  • QGroundControl states that the drone has anywhere from 8+ satellites available that it can "see" - I do not know how many is a good start point.
  • It also states that it can only get a 3D position lock on the drone - No GPS lock.
  • Inspecting the MAVLink messages, GPS packets are being sent, but contain the default values e.g., max integers.
Has anyone had this issue? All other MAVLink messages are well-formed and contain the data I'm expecting, it is just GPS.

Thanks in advanced

I'm trying to control my ANAFI drone via MAVLink but I'm having issues with the GPS.
Within FreeFlight6 the GPS icon for the drone remains red - I've tried hard resetting and calibration but this does not change anything.

I've done some further analysis using a wireshark and QGroundControl:
  • QGroundControl states that the drone has anywhere from 8+ satellites available that it can "see" - I do not know how many is a good start point.
  • It also states that it can only get a 3D position lock on the drone - No GPS lock.
  • Inspecting the MAVLink messages, GPS packets are being sent, but contain the default values e.g., max integers.
Has anyone had this issue? All other MAVLink messages are well-formed and contain the data I'm expecting, it is just GPS.

Thanks in advanced
There is 2 resets you can do,one is pressing and holding power button for 12 second,second reset is done trough freeflight6 by hitting drone icon in green drone icon in upper center part of screen,that will bring you to screen with map and drone/gimbal calibration buttons,below map you will see drone info,scroll down and you will see Reset button,once you hit Reset you will be prompt to calibrate drone….i would do that outside far away from anything,just you and drone…..not sure if you have “mechanical” problem or just glitch,i just know that in my case,where i live i have to fly up to 15feet high to get any satellites to show in my gps……i dont remember anymore but i think you need like 10 or 11 satelites to get gps location shown in map

I'm trying to control my ANAFI drone via MAVLink but I'm having issues with the GPS.
Within FreeFlight6 the GPS icon for the drone remains red - I've tried hard resetting and calibration but this does not change anything.

I've done some further analysis using a wireshark and QGroundControl:
  • QGroundControl states that the drone has anywhere from 8+ satellites available that it can "see" - I do not know how many is a good start point.
  • It also states that it can only get a 3D position lock on the drone - No GPS lock.
  • Inspecting the MAVLink messages, GPS packets are being sent, but contain the default values e.g., max integers.
Has anyone had this issue? All other MAVLink messages are well-formed and contain the data I'm expecting, it is just GPS.

Thanks in advanced
Hi whoevenisbranch - sorry, but I cannot help you on your question.
I have similar challenges as you with MAVLink & hoping you can help. I'm trying to upload flightplans to the drone that I cannot make within Pix4DCapture (double grid mission flying below 10meters). I can successfully upload a .mavlink file (QGC WPL 120 format) to the drone's webserver ( that gets converted into a MAVLink flightplan. However, I've been stumped on how to make the drone actually start the mission based on that flight plan. Any ideas?
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