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Connection problem with android


New member
Jan 28, 2024
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Hi all.
I got a used bebop 2, i installed the app but , even with the phone connected to the drone wifi, the app say "sincronization interrupted. Check your internet connection"
I'm using free flight pro 5.2.7 and android 13 tp1a.220624.014.
Can someone help me ?
I have a older phone with android 9 and works fine. I don't think parrot will update the app to newer versions of android anymore
btw FreeFlight pro works fine with newer Apple Iphones
Instructions for installing FreeFlight Pro on newer Android devices. Tested with Android 10,12,13.

You will be installing an .apk file and copying a folder named com.parrot.freeflight3 to the /Android/obb folder on your phone.

Download the .apk and OBB folder from the site linked below.
It will download a .zip file. Unzip the file then transfer the files to your phone or download it directly to your phone and use an app like Zip Extractor to extract the files.

Once the files are extracted on your phone navigate to the FreeFlight Pro .apk file where you unzipped it and open it.
You will be prompted to allow installation of files from unknown sources. Accept the prompt and proceed with enabling install from unknown sources.

Download the app "Files" by "Marc apps & software" from the Google Play Store.
Its icon is blue with a white file folder in the center.

Disable your built in file manager app. If you don’t do so, then the new file manager doesn't work.
Go to Settings > Apps > See All Apps.
Find the preinstalled file manager app and tap on Disable > Disable in the confirmation prompt.

Follow the instructions on the page linked below to copy the com.parrot.freeflight3 folder to the /Android/obb/ folder.


FreeFlight Pro should now be installed & functional
I have a old Phone (Android 9) with Freeflight Pro 5.2.7 + paid Flight Plan installed and it hangs at starting with a synchronisation error.
I tried the above installation and the app starts without this error, but the Flight Plan is not there :cry:

Is there a way to integrate the Flight Plan?
Instructions for installing FreeFlight Pro on newer Android devices. Tested with Android 10,12,13.

You will be installing an .apk file and copying a folder named com.parrot.freeflight3 to the /Android/obb folder on your phone.

Download the .apk and OBB folder from the site linked below.
It will download a .zip file. Unzip the file then transfer the files to your phone or download it directly to your phone and use an app like Zip Extractor to extract the files.

Once the files are extracted on your phone navigate to the FreeFlight Pro .apk file where you unzipped it and open it.
You will be prompted to allow installation of files from unknown sources. Accept the prompt and proceed with enabling install from unknown sources.

Download the app "Files" by "Marc apps & software" from the Google Play Store.
Its icon is blue with a white file folder in the center.

Disable your built in file manager app. If you don’t do so, then the new file manager doesn't work.
Go to Settings > Apps > See All Apps.
Find the preinstalled file manager app and tap on Disable > Disable in the confirmation prompt.

Follow the instructions on the page linked below to copy the com.parrot.freeflight3 folder to the /Android/obb/ folder.


FreeFlight Pro should now be installed & functional
I just get synchronisation failed, check your internet connection, after performing the above steps.
Got a Lenovo tab M10 gen3 running android 12
Ik heb een oude telefoon (Android 9) met Freeflight Pro 5.2.7 + betaald Flight Plan geïnstalleerd en deze blijft hangen bij het opstarten en er treedt een synchronisatiefout op.
Ik heb de bovenstaande installatie geprobeerd en de app start zonder deze fout, maar het vluchtplan is er niet:schreeuw:

Is er een manier om het vluchtplan te integreren?
Het is mij gelukt om kontakt te krijgen met mijn Bebop 2 op een oude telefoon maar ik krijg sneeuw op mijn beeld en connect niet hoe kan ik dit weer op lossen???
Hallo allemaal.
Ik heb een gebruikte bebop 2, ik heb de app geïnstalleerd maar, zelfs met de telefoon verbonden met de wifi van de drone, zegt de app "synchronisatie onderbroken. Controleer uw internetverbinding"
Ik gebruik Free Flight Pro 5.2.7 en Android 13 tp1a.220624.014.
Kan iemand mij helpen?
Ik heb met oudere Android gedownload dat ging prima maar heb ik nog wifi probleem hij connect het niet ik heb ook gereset helpt ook niet weet iemand een oplossing ??

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