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Dead Battery?

Would someone who understands French please explain to me why this person appears to have a dead Anafi battery?
I don't speak French .. but I've got a couple of important questions for Parrot re. my Anafi ... First, I charged several batteries a couple of weeks ago, and haven't flown the Anafi since ... Today tapped on the power buttons on all batteries and nothing happened .. no lights, nothing. Put one of the batteries in the drone ... again, pressing/tapping/pushing on the buttons did nothing ... Huh?? All three batteries dead?? Then, plugged each battery into the charger and voila ... three lights on all. Need a battery firmware update please. NOTE, it's not just not being able to tell how much charge is left, the ANAFI WILL NOT START unless you first plug the battery into a charger.

And, why isn't there any obvious way to tell what the controller's level of charge is w/o having to hook up the phone. I have a lot of drones, and ALL have lights or digital indicators of what the level of charge is ...

Otherwise, enjoying the Anafi!!
Yes the batteries go in "hibernation" after I believe 2 weeks of being unused and need to be connected to a charger to "wake them up".
Since they will have also discharged themselves to storage level at that point you have to recharge them before going to fly anyway.
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