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Pablo Pinto

New member
Jan 9, 2022
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Hi, i wanna know how many disco can flight at the same time. Because yesterday we try with 6 but when i lounch the firts go strait to the trees because never go up .
Do i miss something?
To tell you the truth... in 4 years ive never, ever, tried to fly disco before the takeoff loiter. Is that even possible? That is... press takeoff... throw in air... and then control before it goes up 50 and loiters. Since i have to put down the controller to throw the disco.... i rarely can get situated in time to try controlling it on the way up. In fact... i dont recall ever loading the program before i takeoff and loiter. And 99 percent of my flights are programmed... Now i do those things with bebop2 and anafi. I press program on the launch pad and they takeoff and due the mission. Strange how i never tried certain things. But since you read this far... i will tell you something good to know... dont touch nothing. If you program a flight on discobebopwanafi dont touch your phone or controller. Put it down. Where the cat cant get it either... because, if you accidently touch anything, or almost touch anything or even if you dont and ghost touching occurs... well it could be interpreted as a input.. or command. So i dont walk around with it... and if the red light comes on... well... i still dont touch. 90 percent of the time it goes green again... without me screwing it up. Afterall, it knows where its going... and its gonna come back to land. As long as i dont screw it up. I dont know what happens if i press return to home during a program on disco. And i dont know what happens if i press it twice. But i hope it doesn stop return to home... because i would press return to home if i lost connection. So i dont know if it heard me when i press it or not....so to be sure... i probably would press it several times.... afterall... disco can hear the controller a lot further than the controller can “hear” disco. So i assume i can command without getting telemetry reception back.. .

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