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Found drones (not what you think)


New member
Oct 4, 2020
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I have a situation that I'm not sure what to do about. I am in possession of two parrot disco fpv drones in their original packaging. One appears to have been crash landed and has the words "broken" written on the outside of the box. The other appears to be perfectly fine. They both came with what appears to be all of the standard accessories, and then some. I came into possession of these drones via my significant other.

My significant other works at a hotel in my city, and the box that contained the drones was shipped to the hotel via a guest that was staying there at the time (we're assuming the box arrived after the guest left the hotel, which happens). My SO had a different general manager at the time, and he was the one who dealt with the package. The old GM left months ago, and now my SO is the acting GM. The hotels policy (and all other hotels in our experience) regarding lost or abandoned items goes as follows: guest is contacted if contact can be determined (it usually can via room number). If guest does not respond, the hotel holds small $ items for 3 months, and big $ items for 6 months. If, after 3-6 months, no attempt has been made by the owner to retrieve said item, the item goes to the person who found it, or it gets thrown away (not always, obviously some things can not be thrown away, sometimes things go to the police, etc.).

So, my SO knows about the box for months. There is a post it note on the box, put there by my SO's previous GM, that reads "contacted guest, waiting for reaponse". No one knew what was inside of the box (im assuming), as it was large and packed full of "stuff", the drones were on the bottom, and there was lots of packaging foam. The shipping label was either removed from the outside of the box or it got ripped off somehow, I dont know.

6 months was up a couple of weeks ago, and since no one had a claim to it, my SO brought it home. I opened it up when she was at work one day, and let her know what was inside and we were both extremely surprised that someone would just leave them behind, and not retrieve them (or even try, as far as we know).

I want to do the right thing and attempt to return them if thats whats recommended. If not, I would like to try to sell them, but I would assume that they are likely registered with the FAA.

What is recommended that I do? Is there any way to look up FAA registration and maybe get some contact info? Also, if I can't get contact info, if its registered through the FAA, can I even sell it legally?

Thanks in advance

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Hi,it very nice that you are attempting to find owner ,if guest was contacted and there was no response i believe there is only one more thing you can do...if there is no registration number(something like F457389) below nose of disco then you can open battery compartment and check there(usually writen with permanent marker),you might even find phone number ....if you find Registration number you can contact FAA,i am not sure what they will do about it,they shouldnt share personal info with you but they might send email to the owner.....if there is no registration number inside battery compartment or below nose you can do whatver you wanna do with both discos.......and note,drone pilots are registered,not drones/discos,so you can fly or sell discos without any issues.....
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Hi,it very nice that you are attempting to find owner ,if guest was contacted and there was no response i believe there is only one more thing you can do...if there is no registration number(something like F457389) below nose of disco then you can open battery compartment and check there(usually writen with permanent marker),you might even find phone number ....if you find Registration number you can contact FAA,i am not sure what they will do about it,they shouldnt share personal info with you but they might send email to the owner.....if there is no registration number inside battery compartment or below nose you can do whatver you wanna do with both discos.......and note,drone pilots are registered,not drones/discos,so you can fly or sell discos without any issues.....
Exactly the info I was looking for. I will check for the registration # tomorrow.

Thank you so much!

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