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FreeFlight 6 not detecting Anafi


New member
Dec 28, 2023
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It's been only 2 days since I received my Anafi and I'm already running into a host of issues.

1. FreeFlight 6 app is not 'detecting' the Anafi for initial set-up.

The phone connects to the controller without issue. Lights on both the drone and controller indicate they are paired. The drone itself -is- transmitting wifi signal as it is showing up as able to be connected on the list of available networks. The app itself is seemingly refusing to 'see' the drone. I have tried with and without the controller, both with the same result.

2. The Anafi's gimbal is not initializing on start-up.

3. Hard restart of the Anafi is not working.

This one has baffled me just as much as the app failing to detect the drone. I have attempted several times to initiate the hard reset, following the directions of the manual and troubleshooting guides, to no avail. The hard reset for the battery and controller went as intended, but the behavior of the lights on the battery while attempting to hard reset the drone do not even show it is initializing the process. (I attempted this prior to the battery hard reset as well.)

4. The Anafi refuses to power down. During the entire process of trying to solve the other problems, I have had to physically remove the battery to force the shut off.

The app and controller firmware are up-to-date. Connecting to the Anafi via wi-fi outside the app shows 'connected without internet'.

What I have yet to find is a way to check the firmware for the Anafi and the battery for the purposes of trying to rule out the firmware as a prime culprit.
I have not dared to attempt a full break-down of the Anafi to diagnose if the gimbal issue is caused by a problem with the hardware.
It's been only 2 days since I received my Anafi and I'm already running into a host of issues.

1. FreeFlight 6 app is not 'detecting' the Anafi for initial set-up.

The phone connects to the controller without issue. Lights on both the drone and controller indicate they are paired. The drone itself -is- transmitting wifi signal as it is showing up as able to be connected on the list of available networks. The app itself is seemingly refusing to 'see' the drone. I have tried with and without the controller, both with the same result.

2. The Anafi's gimbal is not initializing on start-up.

3. Hard restart of the Anafi is not working.

This one has baffled me just as much as the app failing to detect the drone. I have attempted several times to initiate the hard reset, following the directions of the manual and troubleshooting guides, to no avail. The hard reset for the battery and controller went as intended, but the behavior of the lights on the battery while attempting to hard reset the drone do not even show it is initializing the process. (I attempted this prior to the battery hard reset as well.)

4. The Anafi refuses to power down. During the entire process of trying to solve the other problems, I have had to physically remove the battery to force the shut off.

The app and controller firmware are up-to-date. Connecting to the Anafi via wi-fi outside the app shows 'connected without internet'.

What I have yet to find is a way to check the firmware for the Anafi and the battery for the purposes of trying to rule out the firmware as a prime culprit.
I have not dared to attempt a full break-down of the Anafi to diagnose if the gimbal issue is caused by a problem with the hardware.
Hello MadCatKev -
Did you purchase a new or used Anafi? Is it returnable?
What phone and version of it's OS?
What's the version of Freeflights 6?
When you power on Anafi and during initialization do the propeller motors spin or twitch a little?
When you try to power down the anafi do the battery lights flash in sequence from bottom to top? (yet it still does not power off)

I suspect your problem is that the Anafi never fully initializes could be caused by poor connection where battery inserts into drone or elsewhere
Check all the pins where battery inserts into housing - make sure that none are missing, bent, damaged, or have been pushed in, also look at connector on battery.
If during powerup and drone does not fully initialize pull battery out and reinsert, try this several times

There is a method to check FW versions using the Anafi as a webserver:
From a PC connect to Anafi via Wifi then open browser and enter IP address for drone
Once connected click on info tab to review Anafi data-
@ madcatkev and others that cant take off

At this point, I think something like an RC car would be better for you.
Jsou to jen 2 dny, co jsem dostal svůj Anafi a už narážím na spoustu problémů.

1. Aplikace FreeFlight 6 „nedetekuje“ Anafi pro počáteční nastavení.

Telefon se bez problémů připojí k ovladači. Kontrolky na dronu i ovladači indikují, že jsou spárovány. Samotný dron vysílá signál wifi, protože se ukazuje jako schopný připojení na seznamu dostupných sítí. Samotná aplikace zdánlivě odmítá „vidět“ dron. Zkoušel jsem to s ovladačem i bez něj, obojí se stejným výsledkem.

2. Gimbal Anafi se při spuštění neinicializuje.

3. Tvrdý restart Anafi nefunguje.

Tohle mě zmátlo stejně jako to, že aplikace nedokázala detekovat dron. Několikrát jsem se pokusil zahájit tvrdý reset podle pokynů v příručce a průvodců odstraňováním problémů, ale bez úspěchu. Tvrdý reset baterie a ovladače proběhl tak, jak bylo zamýšleno, ale chování kontrolek na baterii při pokusu o tvrdý reset dronu ani neukazuje, že se proces inicializuje. (Zkoušel jsem to také před tvrdým resetem baterie.)

4. Anafi odmítá vypnout. Během celého procesu pokusu o vyřešení ostatních problémů jsem musel fyzicky vyjmout baterii, abych vynutil vypnutí.

Aplikace a firmware ovladače jsou aktuální. Připojení k Anafi přes wi-fi mimo aplikaci zobrazuje „připojeno bez internetu“.

Co jsem ještě nenašel, je způsob, jak zkontrolovat firmware pro Anafi a baterii za účelem pokusu vyloučit firmware jako hlavního viníka.
Neodvážil jsem se pokusit o úplné rozbití Anafi, abych diagnostikoval, zda je problém s gimbalem způsoben problémem s hardwarem.
Pokud jsou koptera a ovladač spárované, tak KONTROLKY NEBLIKAJÍ !, nýbrž trvale SVÍTÍ !, pokud spárované nejsou, spojit kopteru s ovladačem pomocí kabelua obojí zapnout, spárují se, když ne tak je něco vadné - If the copter and the controller are paired, the LIGHTS DO NOT FLASH !, but always ON!, if they are not paired, connect the copter to the controller with a cable and turn them both on, they pair, if not, something is wrong
Just got a used Anafi. Installed FF USA 6.10.3 on my Android (have successfully used FreeFlight Pro with my Bebop on this; Pro is still loaded). Connected to drone via Wi-Fi with password, it's at v1.8.2. Drone connects to the controller and flies great. But FF6 just won't find the drone. Tried it with Wi-Fi off, with Wi-Fi connected to the drone, with the controller plugged in to the phone and not. I get to the "Select your drone from the list" prompt and there's nothing there, with Refresh not helping. Drone's flashing blue light goes steady when it connects to controller, which also goes steady blue. Feel like I'm missing one simple switch or step here. Any advice? Many thanks in advance.
Just got a used Anafi. Installed FF USA 6.10.3 on my Android (have successfully used FreeFlight Pro with my Bebop on this; Pro is still loaded). Connected to drone via Wi-Fi with password, it's at v1.8.2. Drone connects to the controller and flies great. But FF6 just won't find the drone. Tried it with Wi-Fi off, with Wi-Fi connected to the drone, with the controller plugged in to the phone and not. I get to the "Select your drone from the list" prompt and there's nothing there, with Refresh not helping. Drone's flashing blue light goes steady when it connects to controller, which also goes steady blue. Feel like I'm missing one simple switch or step here. Any advice? Many thanks in advance.
Freeflight 6 USA app is for Anafi USA drone…..you need Freeflight 6 app for Parrot Anafi
Uh Just got a used Anafi. Installed FF USA 6.10.3 on my Android (have successfully used FreeFlight Pro with my Bebop on this; Pro is still loaded). Connected to drone via Wi-Fi with password, it's at v1.8.2. Drone connects to the controller and flies great. But FF6 just won't find the drone. Tried it with Wi-Fi off, with Wi-Fi connected to the drone, with the controller plugged in to the phone and not. I get to the "Select your drone from the list" prompt and there's nothing there, with Refresh not helping. Drone's flashing blue light goes steady when it connects to controller, which also goes steady blue. Feel like I'm missing one simple switch or step here. Any advice? Many thanks in advance.
Skydrreamer is correct you’re using the wrong version of FF6 don’t use the USA version, Anafi USA is a different model drone. For standard Anafi 4k you should use ver 6.7.6. Link below and this should resolve your issue.

‎FreeFlight 6 this is version 6.7.5 for IOS devices

For Android devices use 6.7.6 below
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