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Motor Stage Error - i think it might be main board but this is weird


New member
Jun 27, 2024
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So trying to repair a Bebop 2 drone that has crashed, after downloading FreeFlight Pro on my iphone and connecting to the drone's wifi, I get motor error (11) when trying to fly the drone. I check the drone status screen and it shows that there is a motor stage error, and the front right motor is red.

So I need to diagnose if its a problem with the FR motor or the main board or the connection of the wires from the mainboard to the FR motor.


First thing I do is to check if the FR motor is the problem, since the freeflight app said it was the FR motor that had the motor stage error, I took the BL motor (FR AND BL motor, both labelled 'C') and connected it to the wire plug of the FR arm. I check the app again and it is still saying the FR motor is red (motor stage error), only FR is red.

Ok so now it might be the mainboard or the wires between the mainboard and the FR motor.


2nd thing I did is to check the wires between the mainboard and the motor, so I grabbed my multimeter and put it in continuity mode, and with the probes I check the 3 wires between the FR motor plug (grey, black and white), and to the solder pad on the main board, all show continuity.


Now that must mean its the mainboard right, but I just realized that when checking to see if the FR motor was fixed, it was always still red, and only showed the FR motor as red, while the other 3 was green.

But I had the FL, BL and BR motors all unplugged as well, so I dont understand why they were all always shown as green, shouldn;t they be shown as red if they were not plugged in?

This has lead me to believe maybe its more of a software issue on the app itself?

My freeflight pro app version is 4.4.2, hardware version is HW_02
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Having the same issue. Both rotors front. Checked wirings and motors all working. Is this motherboard or just software?
I had this message, but was not a motor problem. Had a motor stage error on the bebop 1 and the antenna wire was broke. Put in a new antenna in the back foot and that message went away. It must detect it somehow through software.
I had this message, but was not a motor problem. Had a motor stage error on the bebop 1 and the antenna wire was broke. Put in a new antenna in the back foot and that message went away. It must detect it somehow through software.
Is this the antenna that is attached to the legs?

Or is this something on the main board?

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