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Parrot Anafi 4k no motor no gimbal issue.


New member
Jan 1, 2025
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Hi guys!

So I decided to buy a used Parrot Anafi 4K from Ebay mainly because I am somehow fascinated about this particular drone and the several issues it mainly has just like majority of French cars and electronics in general and managed to fly a total of 1 minute and 37 seconds in total before my first major issue, after that at the second take off the drone hovered nicely at first but when I gained a little altitude all the motors suddenly cut off and the drone came falling down from about 2,5 meters right on its belly, after the plunge I could not start the drone so that the motors would initialize and the gimbal would calibrate until the next morning when I turned the Parrot on again the motors made that slight twitch and the gimbal calibrated itself but even if the app showed you are clear for take off the drone would not spool up the propellers at all, then I shut it off again and tried to power on again but nothing untill I remove the battery and put it back again, only then the drone would power on but no motors or gimbal, then I waited for another 24 hours and the motors would again make that little sound and the gimbal will move normally but on the second attempt it repeated the behaviour of not powering on.

Now I am guessing that its the motorboard that blew something because the app shows everything OK, it finds satellites and all and it lets you zoom the camera but any of the motors wont get power, not even the gimbal motors and if I have understood correctly the replacement of the motor board does not require any special programming or calibration with a software that no one has and cant even get because Parrot as a company will not want you to repair your drone but get a new one instead which is I am sure ok in means of Government use with endless recourses but not an option every time this thing fails on a normal consumer.

Any ideas on whether I am right or is it the Mainboard that has failed which needs either the new gimbal/camera paired to it OR the mystical software to program and calibrate the parts to work with each other ?
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Just a guess, but it sounds like there may be an issue with the motherboard connections. It's been awhile since I've delved into the guts of my Anafi, but this trouble shooting guide, and repair manual, might help...


Thanks for the links, I have already read those and any of the reset procedures didnt change the behaviour of the drone, I have checked all the connections and they seem good, it seems like the Motors and the Gimbal motors cant get any power, the motherboard wakes up and connects to the app and everything seems to be in order in means of airworthy judging by the screen only, no error messages whatsoever, the "take off" button is green and all, you can zoom the camera in and out but the only problem is that the motors or he whole ESC doesnt "wake up" which is usually indicated by the small beep from the motors when turning the drone on, I have 2 batterys for it and it does the same with both of them even if they are 100% full, it gets even more interesting since it seems like there is no information about the electronics and the possible problems in them anywhere, I am sure I am not the only Parrot owner that has had this problem since this is a fairly old drone model anyway.
OK Problem solved, it was the motherboard and all is ok after replacing it and the Camera/Gimbal assembly that are from the same drone.

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