Are you using the ‘bracketing Mode’ to take a picture ?
What kind of photo option did you select among the 4 following possibilities :
1/ JPEG RECT : take some processing time to make the JPEG out of the Raw DNG file, then some more time to make it ‘Rectangular’ using lens deformation correction algorithms before finally write the created JPEG file to the SD card.
2/ JPEG WIDE : should be ‘the less time consuming option’ as it must convert the raw DNG image shot to JPEG format, then store it on the SD card. If you are in a hurry, you should choose this option !
3/ JPEG RECT + DNG : should be the worst time consuming option as it is the same as the first one, but must store the raw large DNG file on the SD card + the JPEG file.
4/ JPEG WIDE + DNG : an intermediate solution that consists in both storing the uncorrected images in JPEG and DNG. This option is particularly useless as if a photographer wants to have a Raw uncorrected Wide image, what would he do with the same image stored in a JPEG format ?? Waist of processing time and SD storage.
My suggestion to Parrot was to replace option 4 by a ‘DNG only’ option. It would be faster, less storage consuming and in par with ‘pro photo requirements’.
This last suggestion is even more relevant when you choose the Bracketing option with 7 shots (14 files of the same scene are processed and stored... that’s forever compared to your 5 seconds !)
I wrote the support about 1 month ago and the only feedback I had was : thank you, we will pass the info to the development team. I also posted this suggestion in various forum where this idea seemed to be supported and although I do not think it’s complicated to implement (just don’t process and store any JPEG file should be feasible...), Parrot does not seem to be interested in it ...
I think I’ll have to deal with it ... and wait until miss Anafi processes unnecessary files while in flight...