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My Bebop 2 runned out of battery (crashe or returned home?)


New member
Mar 1, 2021
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Hi guys.
I'm new at this forum because I bought to my son the bebop2 only 8 days ago, in his 14th anniversary. On a risked flight, with 40% battery, I flew with my drone 1.000m away on Sport mode.
When I saw that the battery was at 30% I clicked on "Return Home", always on sport mode. The Bebop 2 was returning to the landing point, but the battery level was decreasing very quickly.
I didn't tried to land it, because I was on a mountain landscape (I was on the top, and the mountain inclination is high), and hoping that it would arrive.
Last thing I saw, was the Battery alert on 2%, the altitude level on 30m (even thought he was at least 80m above the ground), the distance on 330m. I had the sensation that the Bebop 2 freezed its position in the air, but I'm not tottaly sure.
I quickly pointed the camera to the ground, to pick up some reference, but then I lost the video connection.

I left quickly the landing spot and went to look it on the last GPS position, exactly at 330m in a straight line, but I didn't find it on that coordinates (I already looked for 6 hours, but the terrain is very difficult and have lots of trees).

Could you please help me on these following doubts, to understand where the drone can be:
1- Freezing in the air, when it showed the battery alert, is the normal behavior (falling down after runs out the battery)?
2 - Is it possible the he fulfilled the returned home functionality (even without communication with the smartphone) with the battery lefties?
3 - Is it possible that he tried to land, even thought the altitude registered of 30m was not the real one? In this case he stay 1 meter above the ground or 1 m above his zero level?
4 - The last position communicated is very likely to be the crashed position, or it was a previous location sended, some seconds before he stopped?

I appreciate your help
Thank you
Renato Silva
Thank you Mike. I'm giving up to find it. I already looked the area, on the ground and on the trees (there are lots of them), but I cant find it. As you can see the terrain is very dificult. At least I'm now sure that it is on that zone. I'll wait for a windy day...:confused:
When your drone lands it still has the Wifi on untill the battery runs dry. I had my BB2 making a landing in high grass and I used the Android app Wifi Analyser from Farproc. It took me only a few minutes to see a spike in the signal. I was within 1 meter range of my BB2 before I saw it. I'm sorry I didn't see your post earlier. You might have recovered it.

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