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New set of rules to be announce for Canada, Wednesday Jan 9, 2019

Seems similar to the rules here in the US. I don't remember anything about being 30m from people here though so not exactly the same. Share the final rules when they are posted. I will be curious to see what they do.
Interesting.... In my country it is simple. Ask an official permit for a specified airspace 30 days before you want to fly. Maybe you get it for a short period (max 30days) maybe not. Rather not. Other ways are forbidden.
Over here (Austria/Europe) you can’t fly higher than 30meters and drones force must not be over 79joule. Means that depending on your drones weight, you are limited further. (E.g. a DJI Mavic Air with it’s 430gramm is only allowed to fly up to 16meters, a Mavic with around 1KG already forbidden or at least restricted to maybe 5 meters)

If you want to overcome those limits, you have to register your drone and have an insurance which all in all costs you around 450€ per year!

I heared new rules are coming, starting in Switzerland which will quit possible force all drone pilots to have an SIM card in your drone, so that it will be fully traceable by authorities. Before you will be able to even start you drone, you will have to get a permit via a phone app for your flight (basically like with a real plane). From what I heared they will role out this systems over whole Europe in the future
These are the Irish regulations:

Registration: To use your drone in Ireland you need to register. If you do not do that, you must not fly higher than 15 meters and your drone may weigh a maximum of 1 kilogram.
Maximum flight altitude: The maximum flight altitude is 120 meters in uncontrolled airspace and 15 meters in controlled airspace in Ireland. Without registration, your drone may not fly higher than 15 meters.
Maximum horizontal distance and FPV: Your drone is allowed to move a maximum of 300 meters away from you in Ireland. The direct visual contact must always be present.
Compulsory insurance: The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) recommends having drone insurance.
Distance to airports: Drones may approach a maximum of 5 kilometers to an Irish airport.
Other safe distances: Your drone must keep 30 meters lateral distance to persons, ships, cars, and buildings. This is increase to 120m from groups (12 persons or more).
Flight bans: Drones cannot be operated on national monuments.
Flight approval: Individual flight permissions may only be granted if the general rules are to deviate.
Time of operations: Drone flights are permitted at night in Ireland as far as i know.

Summary video below by flyryte drone academy sums it up nicely



These are the Irish regulations:

Registration: To use your drone in Ireland you need to register. If you do not do that, you must not fly higher than 15 meters and your drone may weigh a maximum of 1 kilogram.
Maximum flight altitude: The maximum flight altitude is 120 meters in uncontrolled airspace and 15 meters in controlled airspace in Ireland. Without registration, your drone may not fly higher than 15 meters.
Maximum horizontal distance and FPV: Your drone is allowed to move a maximum of 300 meters away from you in Ireland. The direct visual contact must always be present.
Compulsory insurance: The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) recommends having drone insurance.
Distance to airports: Drones may approach a maximum of 5 kilometers to an Irish airport.
Other safe distances: Your drone must keep 30 meters lateral distance to persons, ships, cars, and buildings. This is increase to 120m from groups (12 persons or more).
Flight bans: Drones cannot be operated on national monuments.
Flight approval: Individual flight permissions may only be granted if the general rules are to deviate.
Time of operations: Drone flights are permitted at night in Ireland as far as i know.

Summary video below by flyryte drone academy sums it up nicely

How expensive is it to register your drone? The biggest problem here in Austria are the extrem high costs. Last time I heared about statistics it was estimated that up to 80% of all drones are not registered/illegal. Which makes sense considering the prize
Only Cost me €5 (Five !!) to register the Anafi with the IAA, i know its less that 1 Kg, but wanted to cover myself regarding height.
If i want to make any money from the drone i will have to complete some training which i believe will be in the region of €600-€800
I havent priced insurance yet, next on the list....
I could only dream of such low costs. What’s so ridiculous is that 50-70€ is insurance (which is ok), registering is maybe around 30-50€ (which is also acceptable) but over 300€ of those costs are paid for an „expert“ who evaluates your aircraft (which is basically the procedure they do with real aircrafts). Complete nonsense considering that most drones will be the same models and evaluation is meaningless
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after reading all the other rules from different countries, sounds like USA has it easy. No insurance and just $5 to register online. Few other minor hoops to jump thru like understanding airspace and not flying near airports unless you contact tower or ground control for permission. Hopefully our rules will stay about where they are.
A small comment on new UAV rules in Canada from down under, "the foghorn from New Zealand". :sneaky:

Regards, Leif.
recreation use of UAVs will be regulated into oblivion. The new Canadian regulations are way over the top IMO and will do nothing to prevent the deliberate misuse of drones, which can also be said for any of the new regulations across the world. It's amazing the substantial risks that we allow day to day and the negligible ones we obsess and regulate into the ground. You can hop in a 1500kg lump of metal and drive head on with closing speeds of 120mph with other 1500kg lumps of metal with nothing but painted lines and the HOPE the person driving at you is paying attention. Want to fly your toy in an open field? HAH!
Done and legal now for me.

So I am guessing you just took the basic exam? If so can you tell us what to expect in the line of questions? It would be good for people to know what they should study. I know you said in the other post you guessed at some LOL
I agree with what a lot of you say, it's getting ridiculous with regulations, heck had to take an online boating test just to use my canoe, so stupid.

So I take these tests only for peace of mind, can do without hefty fines.

As for taking the basic test itself, most questions are about the rules for flying one. Some of the questions are more related to flying an aircraft, example, affect of headwind, type of fog and so on. Got most of my answers by just looking them up on the internet, only a few of them I just needed to pick the answer that seem most logical. So between searching for answers and doing the test, I finish taking it with 16 minutes to spare.
I dont think licensing is a bad thing,in that the majority will learn from the process.But are the Hobby Shops going to be required to check for certification at every sale ?
Registration will add a way for those who have had personal/ property damage as a result of mechanical failure and/or carelessness to pursue legal action.
The negative lies in the fact that much like the gun registry,it will have no effect on curtailing the activities of those who knowingly want to create mayhem.I really feel that those who go through the process are not the ones who society needs to worry about.
And the government has another cash source...
In Hungary I asked, the Allianz offer insurance for professional drone operators (not individual), prices between 100-200Euro/year, depends the coverings (10.000 - 30.000 euro damage). But it will pay only when you made everything under all of the other rules. For example you asked 30 days before the airspace permit and it was granted... It is not good for a fast weekend, private holiday flying. It will be Nike. Just do it.

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