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Rear arm won't lock open


New member
Dec 29, 2019
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I took delivery of my Anafi just days ago...bear with me on this: I had it out on a flight and it bumped a tree. It not a hard crash and nothing was broken. I picked it up, looked it over, and went through the calibrations again (which went fine), and made sure everything worked: Crucial to this story is all the arms popped open and popped closed. I've made several flights since then without any issue...the Anafi flies perfect, no wandering, no instability, no lack of control, and physically it's been fine since the crash. A minor crash but a crash. EDIT: It was a light enough incident that no propellers were broken.

I opened the case today to make a flight, and notice the rear right arm swings freely - it no longer pops into place. There was a little lock washer that fell out of the table top as well, so obviously it came out of the drone and apparently from the arm post itself hence the lack of arm popping open/closed. I've watched the video from Parrot on preparing arms on the Anafi, and only got as far as removing the screws before realizing it was too late in the day to go any further.

My question is, has anyone had this problem, and how difficult is it to fix? I believe i have the part needed (the lock washer), and the know-how to disassemble and do it, but I'm curious if anyone's had this issue and what the general run through is on how long it takes and so forth.

Thank you!
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Your description looks familiar to me. Everything was fine for a while after a crash, but after a several flights for no apparent reason one rear arm would not lock in place when opened.

Take a look at the attached video:

If the rear arm does not lock as shown on the video, scroll down to the comments, and you will find the solution that worked for me (youtube user: mrajicyt).
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Your description looks familiar to me. Everything was fine for a while after a crash, but after a several flights for not apparent reason one rear arm would not lock in place when opened.

Take a look at the attached video:

If the rear arm does not lock as shown on the video, scroll down to the comments, and you will find the solution that worked for me (youtube user: mrajicyt).

Thank you!! I'll just have to order it and carefully swap it out myself. I'm not immune to that type of thing, I just beat myself up for being so stupid as to bump a tree.

There's no way Parrot would replace it for me...They'd get the flight data and see the sharp drop and sudden drop. Ah well. Lesson learned.
Your description looks familiar to me. Everything was fine for a while after a crash, but after a several flights for no apparent reason one rear arm would not lock in place when opened.

Take a look at the attached video:

If the rear arm does not lock as shown on the video, scroll down to the comments, and you will find the solution that worked for me (youtube user: mrajicyt).
Hi, I have a similar problem but with one difference, my Anafi has never crashed, not even a hard landing. I have flown it just over 50 hours in 152 flights. I flew for about 15 minutes yesterday, the arm locked in place no problem. I returned home and went to take the memory card outand found that one of the rear arms would not lock, it wanted to spring back against the body, it is as if a sear has broken. I have not done any disassembly yet.

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