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sky controller 2 side USB port ?


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Mar 17, 2019
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GMS first time here ,
I got a parrot FPV pack
And in the pack the sky controller 2 came with a 5pin charging cord and a 4pin charger ? I could only charge the extra battery’s not the sc2 and I seen nothing that converts this problem. But I found that the USB port when plugged in will charge.

So my question is can you use a phone charger wall unit to charge sc2 threw the USB port if the sc2 is in the off position ? Or will this mess up my sc2 please advise before I try this thanks
No,you need skycontroller charger,you got mismatched cables like lot of other peoples....there is two types of skycontroller 2,there is skycontroller 2 with chrome sticks and skycontroller 2P with black plastic sticks,they use different batterys so you have to make sure you get right charger....
Contact the seller.
Same thing happened to me. My 1st Skycontroller2 didn't come with charger.
They replaced it with a 2d controller, that came with different battery, charger, and cable.
My 2d controller has a round battery, model#CHAO76002 12.6v 1.2a Charger, and 5 pin connector with only 3 actual pins in it to mate with the charger.
I have the chrome sticks with a square battery I had made a charger but I am only getting about 50% max charged . what is the difference between black or chrome one better? And do you know if I can fly my bebop2 on a AR race 2 track or anything similar? Thanks
1 sky controller 2 came with a 5pin charging cord and a 4pin charger ?
2 So my question is can you use a phone charger wall unit to charge sc2 threw the USB port
1 talk to seller - Parrot produces two chargers for the bebop 2 - 4-wires and 5-wires. Usually, as a set it came with one charger (4 or 5) and a set or corresponding wires (4 or 5). You need charger and two cables with the same wire count.
2 Its a OUTPUT port, You will fry controller if you attached charger to it.
GMS first time here ,
I got a parrot FPV pack
And in the pack the sky controller 2 came with a 5pin charging cord and a 4pin charger ? I could only charge the extra battery’s not the sc2 and I seen nothing that converts this problem. But I found that the USB port when plugged in will charge.

So my question is can you use a phone charger wall unit to charge sc2 threw the USB port if the sc2 is in the off position ? Or will this mess up my sc2 please advise before I try this thanks
[/no in your bundle you should've gotten a charging cable for it
Fpv pack will come with a charging cable for sc2. However charging cable should match a charger from a drone
For some reason people pay attention to the battery capacity (mAh), however they must read battery voltage and charger voltage
For the 11.1V battery you must use 12.6V charger (4 or 5 pins, non HD)
For the 11.4V battery you must use 13.05V charger (5 pins, HD)
With regards to SC2 charging, all you need is any adapter with 12-13V - you can use parrot 5 pin non HD or HD, or just buy any charger with compatible plug (round 3.5x1.35, + inside)

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