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2 months free Adobe CC


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Aug 30, 2018
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I see on the Parrot Blog that they are offering free access to Adobe Creative Cloud for 2 months with the purchase of an Anafi drone (offer also available to existing owners). So might be worth a look...
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I don't like anything made by Adobe... This is why I have a Mac. My friends call me an isheet.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
Kinda unrelated since there are problalby more people using Adobe stuff on a Mac than on a PC though...
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I follow 3 or 4 Vlog photographers to get tips on using Adobe software, mainly getting the most out of Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 and they all use Mac computers. Nothing wrong with some Mac software but Adobe is just not for PC's.
One of my go to guys for learning and tips is Peter Mckinnon. Very energetic guy and fun to learn off of.
Peter McKinnon
do you use final cut on a mac?
I use iMovie, it not as fancy as final cut pro but it get the job done pretty well. With Adobe products, you never own any purchases, you have to keep paying a monthly fee to Adobe. I don't like that.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
I use iMovie, it not as fancy as final cut pro but it get the job done pretty well. With Adobe products, you never own any purchases, you have to keep paying a monthly fee to Adobe. I don't like that.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
Only if you don't know how to install it for free :)

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