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Anafi not Initiating after switching on?

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Nov 20, 2018
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I've had 10 flights so far with no problems but after a flight today I changed the battery and switched it on, the fan can be heard, the lights on the battery go green from to bottom to top and then it just stays like that, fan on, no lights on battery?
  • Fan on
  • Gimbal doesn't initiate or the props
  • Won't turn off with two quick presses
  • Won't reset by holding the power button
  • Have to disconnect the battery

Reconnected battery and the same thing?

After 4 or 5 more attempts, pressing the power button once briefly and double pressing it would start as normal. Fan, gimble moving and props twitching. Leave it off for a few minutes and the same problem, drone not starting. Tried another fully charged battery and same thing...after a few more attempts it started and flew ok...haven't tried it since.

Regards T
I had a very similar situation when I first started flying the Anafi (discussed here), however the problem seem to eventually resolve itself - almost. Every now and then when I power on the Anafi it refuses to boot up. To resolve I just disconnect the battery for a couple of seconds and try again.
Thanks for the link Aron.B. Thats exactly the same prob ive been having...will try to be more patient but it's annoying as it hasn't happened before?
Will let you know how it goes...
Personally I would start a ticket with Parrot. This is not normal and intermittent problems can lead to bigger problems.

Hopefully as Aron said it may be a prob finding GPS or something...cheers for the advice Augstine...
Same thing happens with mine on occasion now.
Used to be more often when I first used my Anafi.
I have no idea why it happens, but it's too late to return it or anything like that, so I just keep using it and keeping my fingers crossed that it will boot up!
Me as well. Try hitting the power button again when it’s in this mode. It’s almost like we got a standby mode in the battery that we were not informed off. It’s become a bit annoying as it does not happen all the time. I can’t say it’s battery specific either but it’s definitely slowed down my ability to launch quickly and I’ve missed changing light now twice.

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I've had 10 flights so far with no problems but after a flight today I changed the battery and switched it on, the fan can be heard, the lights on the battery go green from to bottom to top and then it just stays like that, fan on, no lights on battery?
  • Fan on
  • Gimbal doesn't initiate or the props
  • Won't turn off with two quick presses
  • Won't reset by holding the power button
  • Have to disconnect the battery
Reconnected battery and the same thing?

After 4 or 5 more attempts, pressing the power button once briefly and double pressing it would start as normal. Fan, gimble moving and props twitching. Leave it off for a few minutes and the same problem, drone not starting. Tried another fully charged battery and same thing...after a few more attempts it started and flew ok...haven't tried it since.

Regards T

My new Anafi developed the same problem after only a few flights, but I haven't been able to fix it. Seemed to start right after a mandatory firmware update. I've got a ticket in to Parrot support.
Exactly the same issue here. After sending off video evidence to Parrot they said they could repair it if it was returned to back to them at a cost........?
Interesting to hear what Parrot has to say on this issue.My Anafi does this occasionally.Almost like it is waiting for the last bit of instructions to initialize...
I have owned the Anafi since October,with it occurring sporadically through all firmware updates.I have checked the battery connectors with no visible problems.I have picked-up the Anafi and rotated it on its axis which sometimes works once I place it on the ground.Once it DOES initialize after swapping numerous batteries and opening/ closing Freefilght6 ,it tends to initialize everytime after,unless I wait more than a couple of hours to fly again..
Once flights resume,I never experience any power drop-outs or weird behaviour,so I tend to lean towards a software rather than a hardware issue.
One thing I haven't tried is starting it up on a non-reflective surface,as I currently use a large semi-reflective photography reflector as my launch pad.
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I am experiencing this as well and posted a second ago to the other thread. Picking it up seems to help. I now have to start the drone, wait, watch the battery lights go off and then not back on for camera set. The blue light is flashing during this. The fan is running but nothing is happening. Hit the start button again and wait till the battery light goes off, hit the button again but then pick it up and turn 90 degrees. That usually gets the gimbal flipping around and I quickly set it back down before that’s done. This does not hurt the camera leveling at all. It’s becoming my new routine unfortunately and I wish it was like before. I’m hopeful they fix this bug. I can start a ticket but I’m not sending it in. Once again, the consumer is the beta tester as quality control and software has been so destroyed for way too long but it’s not going change. Parrot was better then this before but seems like they are slipping into Yuneec and DJI territory.

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Sorry for the delay with an update...I opened a ticket with Parrot and they asked for video evidence.

It only happened a couple times over the past few weeks but now seems ok now and I updated the firmware last week...so hopefully it was a glitch...will keep you updated?
"Once again, the consumer is the beta tester as quality control and software has been so destroyed for way too long but it’s not going change. Parrot was better then this before but seems like they are slipping into Yuneec and DJI territory."
DJI and Yuneec offer warranty in Canada.
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As they do here in the US but they are not always helpful or responsive. Parrot refused to warranty my first drone because they would not accept my proof of purchase even though I registered it over the phone on the day of the release. Since the website still didn’t even have an Anafi page in the beginning, beta testers like me established phone and email communication with Parrot engineers. To have a clearly managed phone bank dig in over this proof showed me that they were becoming less personal. Now, as they market tries to grow and more pilots experience issues, they start asking for proof like the before mentioned competition. That’s the behavior I’m talking about where bugs are in the code but they demand proof from their most experienced and biggest supporters that we are encountering them. I won’t waste my time arguing with non techs that only know what’s on the prompt sheet in front of them. Yuneec did this also and more problems they had, the more they fought back against warranty issues to then turn around a create a pay for crash warranty program. So I’m saying as I’ve personally observed Parrot with the Anafi being warm and fuzzy to adversarial as more pilots joined in and more problems are reported.

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Identical initialization problem also for my Anafi. I had to remove the battery and then put it back on. Now Anafi seems to do 3 initialization steps, the first 2 steps move the gimbal but the camera does not go on axis, in 3 step the camera goes on axis and it's ok...
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At this present moment in time im losing the will to live with Parrot and the Anafi. I have been experiencing the start-up issue where once turned on the fans spin up, motor runs but nothing after that. I have to physically remove the battery and replace for it to work normally. I can normally do this 2/3 times before it actually initiates correctly.

I have contacted Parrot who requested information and video evidence. (3 times emails back and fourth each taking 48/72 hours for a reply) I sent the information required along with the video and they said that it would need to returned for repair in France...

Once they receive the drone they will let me know how much it will cost for them to fix the problem.....Well, with all the posts ive read here and on other forums scattered about the net they surely know what the issue is. Its an inherent fault and i as well as you guys shouldn't be paying them to fix it. If it was a car, the drones would get a recall.

I have spent well over £2,000 with Parrot on various drones, Mambo, Bebop 1/2 and after the experience i have had im seriously considering ditching the Anafi and moving over to DJI. Im really trying to be patient and get this sorted as i do love Parrot products but my patience is really being tested.

After 2/3 days wait between customer support replys ive also been told they wont honour my repair under warranty even though my drone was purchased 2 months ago.

I also spent 1.5 hours in a queue to them only to find out that the support line was in actual fact closed and the "Please wait for a support Agent" was an error.

The latest issue is that after being sent an RMA form to return the Anafi to Parrot (To get it assessed and repaired at my expense) i spent half an hour in the queue at the post office only to be told once i reached the post office clerk that the label was showing as used on the system and she couldn't accept it..Arrgghhhhhhh. The drone is sitting on a shelf at my shop waiting for support to get back to me. I called them today (Monday morning) and was told they would get back to me within 24 hours.......Sigh
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So here is an interesting accident. I’ve been here talking about start up problems. Today, I placed the Anafi next to me on my kitchen table to test some of these start and battery removal and start again etc... stuff people like me are trying. The table is glass. The optical flow (vertical camera) is looking through it I assume because it frikin started right up like normal!

This gets me back to thinking that some data set is wrong with the optical flow and it’s possibly related to it recognizing hand launch changes. So, all those here frustrated like me, try different places and materials under the drone. The picking up during blue light blinking with fan running has gotten me a steady light and real connection but this am, I didn’t need to do a thing and the only difference between today and the countless other attempts is this glass table.

Anybody got those leg extensions? Maybe those help as the lo slung Anafi does easily get stuff into the fan and block the camera on rugged ground and weeds. I think that’s why we have the hand launch/land set up as they know that is not the best ground launch drone without a pad of some sort.

Some more mysterious behavior in what used to be a predictable bird. I’m thinking they lost a good engineer and this update is not complete and we need a fix now!

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Continue to have the initialization failure with the Anafi. Resetting the battery, etc etc hasn't worked, and unfortunately CraigCam's Clear glass protocol didn't work for me. I've had no response from Parrot "Support" after several days. I've seen no new firmware remedies offered by the company to what seems to be a common and by now well-known defect with their product.

My Anafi would make an interesting paper weight, except that it irritates me to look at it.
Customer satisfaction doesn't seem to be a motivating factor for Parrot.
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Continue to have the initialization failure with the Anafi. Resetting the battery, etc etc hasn't worked, and unfortunately CraigCam's Clear glass protocol didn't work for me. I've had no response from Parrot "Support" after several days. I've seen no new firmware remedies offered by the company to what seems to be a common and by now well-known defect with their product.

My Anafi would make an interesting paper weight, except that it irritates me to look at it.
Customer satisfaction doesn't seem to be a motivating factor for Parrot.
I put in a support request for my lost Anafi. After 4 days, I eventually had to call them and ask them for the incident form. Perhaps call them if you already havent? Their UK phone number is 02034815677 and US number is (877)972-7768
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