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Anafi RTH


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2018
Reaction score
Central Florida
Just reading the User Guide, it states this:

About auto-RTH (return home) By design, when synchronized to GPS and Glonass satellites and when short on power, will always attempt to come back to its most recent take-off point, at a minimal height of 20 meters over this take-off point. For this reason, Parrot recommends pilots to take extra care when moving away from the take-off location of their drone (for example to follow ). In such cases, pilots must cancel the auto-RTH from the orange 1-minute alert which appears on the screen of their device, and keep piloting while monitoring closely its battery level, until it runs out of power and lands.

So what does this mean, will the drone descend from lets say 100 meters to 20 meters when returning home, very ambiguous. It also doesn't say anything about what % low battery RTH will kick in, is the RTH altitude able to be defined by the user? Not getting my Anafi until 7/5 so just trying to work my way through the manual in advance, no details given in the manual about these questions.

Thanks in advance.
Hi..so if you are flying at altitude of 30 meters and RTH gets triggered your drone will fly back at altitude of 30 meters.it will come above take off location and descent....if you fly at altitude of 15 meters and RTH gets triggered ,drone will fly up to alitude of 20 meters and then fly back towards take off location
Also Smart RTH.means it calculates distance and battery % andnbased on that it triggers the RTH
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Thanks, so it will not force land or trigger RTH unless it calculates there is just enough battery left to RTH safely, poster on FB says the IOS version of FF6 is buggy, if you lose video feed signal it will not come back until you bring the drone home blind (Or hit RTH) shut it down then repower the drone to get video back.

I will be using both Android / Galaxy S8+ phone initially and going to create a mount to use Ipad Mini 4 WiFi only /IOS with SC3 controller. I'm sure I will have to connect to the phone via hotspot the get GPS. I use this method with my DJI stuff / 4App & Litchi and it works OK.
So when using RTH it sets it automatically when you take off? Can you reset RTH after your up in the air? How do you cancel RTH if you want to. Those two buttons in the middle of the controller one looks like RTH and the other button looks like it selects up and down or something? What do those two middle buttons do ?

To bring back to its take-off position, press the home button on your Parrot
Skycontroller 3, or tap the icon on the screen of your device.
rises to 20 meters over its take-off point – if it was flying lower than this
altitude – and flies back over its take-off position.
In the Follow Me mode (in-app purchase), when the button or icon is activated,Anafi
flies back to the position of the pilot.
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Just read this on Facebook. This guy had a problem with RTH.

"UNPLANNED DURABILLITY TEST: drone lost connection while in a moving vehicle (mistake number 1) we drive back to the take off point and nothing, go back to where it lost connection and I got it back enough to know it was returning to home and lost it again. so I assumed it would go back there so I'm waiting and waiting and nothing, turns out when the drone reconnect briefly it reset the home point to where the controller was and ended up landing way off the reset return point in a tree right near a public pool. drone seems unscratched besides needing all 8 blades replaced, and no one beat the hell out of me, so ill call that a win overall. What I don't understand is why the home point changed like it did, any ideas?"
Hi....parrots manuals are usually very small,aprox size of hair dryer manual,you get minimum information enough to get you up in the air and then you are on your own.,that said,they make fantastic drones but to get more information is really tough....Ok so manual says in case you(pilot-controller) move away from take off location,when in auto rth and you get “orange 1 minute”message (1 minute left for drone to get to take off location)you should manualy controll drone to your(new)location....so that guy is saying that he lost connection to drone and later gott it again,if he was playing with knobs/sticks at that time there is possibility that he canceled RTH and drone landed due low power...note :RTH in parrot drones is cancelled by simply manualy taking control of drone or pressing RTH button when drone is already in RTH mode....i am hopping to test few things this coming weekend just to see what the difference is between anafi vs. bebop2
Just reading the User Guide, it states this:

About auto-RTH (return home) By design, when synchronized to GPS and Glonass satellites and when short on power, will always attempt to come back to its most recent take-off point, at a minimal height of 20 meters over this take-off point. For this reason, Parrot recommends pilots to take extra care when moving away from the take-off location of their drone (for example to follow ). In such cases, pilots must cancel the auto-RTH from the orange 1-minute alert which appears on the screen of their device, and keep piloting while monitoring closely its battery level, until it runs out of power and lands.

So what does this mean, will the drone descend from lets say 100 meters to 20 meters when returning home, very ambiguous. It also doesn't say anything about what % low battery RTH will kick in, is the RTH altitude able to be defined by the user? Not getting my Anafi until 7/5 so just trying to work my way through the manual in advance, no details given in the manual about these questions.

Thanks in advance.
think the good thing about this test is that it illustrates that the RTH is set to a minimum of 20m meaning if it is lower than 20m it fly up to 20m then RTH ..not what some people think that it will drop from whatever height your flying at above 20m ...if your at 60m and you RTH it will stay at 60m all the way home that’s my understanding
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Hi..so if you are flying at altitude of 30 meters and RTH gets triggered your drone will fly back at altitude of 30 meters.it will come above take off location and descent....if you fly at altitude of 15 meters and RTH gets triggered ,drone will fly up to alitude of 20 meters and then fly back towards take off location
Also Smart RTH.means it calculates distance and battery % andnbased on that it triggers the RTH
Guys, new user so be gentle. Just been out this afternoon for first flight with Anafi.

Little concerned over the RTH when hitting the HOME button either on controller or screen.

The Anafi dropped to about 2m at its current location. At the time that was about 15m from the home point, at about 18m in height.

The only thing I can add, is that I had the "Geofence" on and set at Max 15.0m and max distance 100m.

I would of thought it should of returned to where it took off (where I was stood with the controller), and not just drop to 2m at its current position.

Any ideas?
altitude was set to 15m,firmware prevents anafi from going higher but now the question is,is anafi suppoused to follow rth protocol or should it stay at chosen altitude thats less than 20m.....why dont you test it again at same spot but this time set altitude to 30m,lets see if anafi will flyy up to 20m and go back
altitude was set to 15m,firmware prevents anafi from going higher but now the question is,is anafi suppoused to follow rth protocol or should it stay at chosen altitude thats less than 20m.....why dont you test it again at same spot but this time set altitude to 30m,lets see if anafi will flyy up to 20m and go back

This is how it works and explained to me by Parrot support:

RTH under 20m, the drone will pop up to 20m
RTH when already over 20m, the drone will stay at its current alt and return to home. "
This is how it works and explained to me by Parrot support:

RTH under 20m, the drone will pop up to 20m
RTH when already over 20m, the drone will stay at its current alt and return to home. "
i am aware of that but this is interesting situation,either there is glitch in firmware ,low gps signal and anafi thinks its already above take off position or gps got locked at higher altitude than take off position and when he RTH ,anafi "thought" that altitude is higher than 20m and simply descended....still take off position and where anafi descended are off by 15 m from what i understand....further testing is needed
I still think the OP had hit land instead of RTH button. Easy enough to do as they are close to each other.
He says it dropped down to 2m so its not landing but its still weird,pressing landing button will land anafi,pressing rth button should bring anafi down to 5feet/1.5m....not 2 meters....sounds like something was really off with gps :unsure:
Landing button 110% was not touched. RTH button was definitely pressed both on the controller and on the screen on different occasions, both gave the same result, Anafi dropped to approx 2m and sat there hovering, and I guess would of done so until the battery ran out.

And yes hitting LANDING does exactly that, it lands.
Landing button 110% was not touched. RTH button was definitely pressed both on the controller and on the screen on different occasions, both gave the same result, Anafi dropped to approx 2m and sat there hovering, and I guess would of done so until the battery ran out.

And yes hitting LANDING does exactly that, it lands.
I opened a case with parrot. In a different post i have said following.
I tested the rth , and discovered that within 15 meters distance from controller , if you hit rth button it descends to 2 meters and hovers whereever the drone is. As from 16 meters distance the rth works as it should. I think parrot created a kind of (save) circle of 15 meters around the remote controller( like dji drones also have , but there it is 20 meters). I have emailed parrot to update the manual , or update the firmware if this is a bug
I opened a case with parrot. In a different post i have said following.
I tested the rth , and discovered that within 15 meters distance from controller , if you hit rth button it descends to 2 meters and hovers whereever the drone is. As from 16 meters distance the rth works as it should. I think parrot created a kind of (save) circle of 15 meters around the remote controller( like dji drones also have , but there it is 20 meters). I have emailed parrot to update the manual , or update the firmware if this is a bug

I shall test the 16m theory tomorrow if it stops raining here in the UK :-( be interested to hear what Parrot come back with. I have found they are pretty responsive with the answers..... unlike DJI :-)

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