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Anafi Tablet holder in the UK?


Oct 8, 2018
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Anyone in the UK sourced a decent tablet holder [to take 169+cm width], with a lanyard holder? Most have no reviews. The Dirty J one sells at about £12, but add delivery + VAT + the VAT admin charge it adds to almost £40! The Penivo has very many that look the same with same spec, same pictures but reviews are not good- including too heavy. The Kismaple [and it's brothers] again doesn't have good reviews, and the Kismaple seller actually emailed a reply saying it wasn't suitable. The Rantow and Anbee; no reviews / no ring. CarolinaDronz is too small [and importing extras are likely to make it too expensive]. Anyone know better please?
"certainPL Stabilizing Extender Mount Bracket Holder for Parrot ANAFI Tablet Mobile (Silver)"
not sure if Amazon UK has it, it came from China in 3 weeks.

I've got the dirtyJ but like this better.

I had this, but returned it.
"Rantow Anafi Phone/Tablet Bracket for Parrot Anafi Drone (Phone/Tablet Bracket)"

hope this helps.
Anyone in the UK sourced a decent tablet holder [to take 169+cm width], with a lanyard holder? Most have no reviews. The Dirty J one sells at about £12, but add delivery + VAT + the VAT admin charge it adds to almost £40! The Penivo has very many that look the same with same spec, same pictures but reviews are not good- including too heavy. The Kismaple [and it's brothers] again doesn't have good reviews, and the Kismaple seller actually emailed a reply saying it wasn't suitable. The Rantow and Anbee; no reviews / no ring. CarolinaDronz is too small [and importing extras are likely to make it too expensive]. Anyone know better please?

Tease, it's a big TV you will have with you when you are going to fly. ;)

I do not know any cheap tablet holder for sale here in Europe. I'm using a 3D print I've found on Thingiverse. It can just keep my tablet having a height of 169 mm (10 "screen) but is not ideal . If you can do a 3D print or if you know someone who can, that may be an option.

Parrot Anafi 10" tablet holder by PhilippeM

Regards Leif.
For UK Users. I purchased brackets for both my iPad Mini 4 and Nexus 7 from the buyer "Dale_CH" on ebay. He does different sized brackets for different size tablets.

Was excellent to deal with and I had the brackets within 2 days of ordering, HERE is is current offerings. I would definitely recommend him
The ones d95gas mentioned, look interesting, but unfortunately they - like the most ones - don't have a lanyard mount. Which is, what I''m missing most.
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Might be worth dropping the guy who makes these an email, he responds very quickly, maybe with a cooperative approach he could redesign incorporating the Lanyard option, and do a special price for us here.

I dont mind discussing with him and see what he can come up with.
Thanks everyone for contributing. Looks like this is a more general problem than I thought and it may be worth keeping this thread running as products develop.

dashSolo: Your 1st choice is on ebay at £6.50 or Amazon uk [same thing I think # ] at £7.99. Delivery times broadly the same, 3-4 weeks. Do you think that will take a 386gms Samsung S2 9.7" 169mm wide tablet [TV if you are Landbo] without too much danger of damaging the fold out aerial arm joint on the controller? Like most things in life it's a compromise- some seem to have a prop which will put less leverage on the controller arm, but likely then bring the tablet too low for comfortably unobstructed stick control.

d95gas: Dale_CH's product being 2 separate brackets i personally can't see that a lanyard hole would fit well and balance. Or the hole / connection would be at the joint- the weak point. If you'd like to consult with him then yes please as there seems to be a market and the problem seems to me to not yet be fully resolved

At the moment I am inclined to go with # as it's cheap, return is easier if needed and it may be a temporary solution anyway, but I'd like to hear what dashSolo thinks please about the weight of my TV first.

Thanks all. Keep suggestions coming please as it's clearly not just me who is struggling.
I think that Landbo's TV comment was tongue in cheek based on the fact that you originally stated that your tablet was 169+cm wide and not mm!
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d95gas: Dale_CH's product being 2 separate brackets i personally can't see that a lanyard hole would fit well and balance. Or the hole / connection would be at the joint- the weak point. If you'd like to consult with him then yes please as there seems to be a market and the problem seems to me to not yet be fully resolved.[/QUOTE said:
The bracket he supplies although does come in two pieces, it bonds together (tongue & groove) very nicely and securely to make a single bracket.

There is always room for improvement, so have emailed him with regards to possibly looking at some sort of lanyard fixing point.
I realized Landbo's comment was tongue in cheeky but I didnt notice it was because I had put in cms instead of mms. Mmmm, woops.
The tripod may well be useful to some, thanks; all useful
Again it will be interesting to see what Dale_CH comes up with. I'd guess he wont take that long. he doesnt say what the weights are, but they must be pretty light as it is a beatifully simple system- so far sans lanyard attachment point tho'.
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My large bracket (iPad 4 mini) weighs in at 22g
The smaller bracket (Nexus 7 2013) weighs in at 19g
I have spoken with the guy that makes the Anafi tablet mounts (UK) and he is more than happy to work on a mount that will incorporate a lanyard ring. He is going to produce a prototype in the next week and send one to me to try out.

Once I receive it, I will put up some pics and get the feedback from anyone on here interested. As these are a minimal weight, posting overseas should also be an option.
Thanks d95. I also suggested a lanyard facility version to him, he said he was developing one with lanyard facility then emailed me 11/12/18 to say now on sale. He hasn't sent me or offered a free one tho!

i am a bit concerned to note the lanyard connection is at the TOP though. I wondered how he would do it.

Have you now got this new one? Does it work ok with a top lanyard connection? Doesn't that mean the lanyard is always in the way?
Have you, d95gas, or anyone bought / received a Dale_CH holder with lanyard and can comment on it including does the top fitting lanyard work ok?
Thanks guys and have a great Christmas all.

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