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Anyone successful changed the frontal lens glass on the Disco?

Lady Rover

Jan 16, 2019
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I bet there are a lot of scratched front lenses around. Did anyone sucessfully fix this without replacing the full CHUCK or camera?
Is the outer lens an actual lens or just a clear glass protector?
Did it change the image charakteristics?
I saw a video how its done on the Bebop, but was wondering if someone has done it on the Disco.
What parts did you use?

Thanks for any input,


I bet there are a lot of scratched front lenses around. Did anyone sucessfully fix this without replacing the full CHUCK or camera?
Is the outer lens an actual lens or just a clear glass protector?
Did it change the image charakteristics?
I saw a video how its done on the Bebop, but was wondering if someone has done it on the Disco.
What parts did you use?

Thanks for any input,


It is only a protective glass that is at the front of the nose on Disco. You can buy a complete plastic "nose" with the glass as a spare part for about BP 20 or USD 30. Search with google for Disco nose or Disco nose blister.

Regards, Leif.
Hi lady, it is very easy to do, if you remove the antenna wires and unscrew the chuck screws, you can remove the chuck from the hub. Then you will see the lens and lens tunnel to the chuck sensor. If you get yourself a small hack saw blade, you'll see the seal area and this needs to be gently cleaned out , this will then allow your lens to slide out and a replacement fitted, when u reseal it you will need to ensure it is focused before finalising the fitting. Then just reinsert your chuck and attach antenna wires etc.
I have just done it myself due to a slight out of focus lens needing rectified.
there are a few good you tube videos on sorting the lens and focus etc.
Psyes you can buy similar hood for a go pro or hero cam which is same size etc, I saw them on banggood for $6 or so for a range of cameras, just check width etc for compatability lady.
if its out of focus u just need to do what my previous post says.
I have solved the problem in the following way:
If the lens is not scratched, polish the lens with the polisher until the scratches disappear then the lens is finished with the toothpaste.
Regards Viorel
I'm sure that would work also, but if its out of focus it still needs adjusted to in focus, and then some glass polishing and toothpaste will work.
And to get in focus it needs to be released from the lens sleeve and reset. Ideal time to clean it also.
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***Can anyone direct me where to buy the lens glass. I tried polishing out the chips and scratches but the glass/lens cracked. Just cannot find a supplier for new lens. I have it apart and have had to seal it over, so I can keep flying until lens is fixed. Be very careful. I used a polishing pad on a Dremel with toothpaste. It took a lot to get down to where the chips were nearly gone and then it split all over, I guess i had thinned it too much*** Have now moved on from this sticking point and cut the lens cement off and pulled it out. Ordered a GoPro 170 degree lens with the aim of adapting it to the tube and focussing then glueing in place. if this works I'll get a spare one, but not before fixing a bubble lens protector on the nose.
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Yes. I have now fitted a 2.5mm 170 Degree Wide Angle M12 Thread Camera DV Lens Replacement for GoPro £10.99 The only real mod was to cut the existing shaft behind the collar (cut the collar off) and wrap 2 winds of insulation tap around the new lens shaft, slide it in, turn camera on and focus then used 'Sticks Like ****' semi-rigid glue to fill the 1-2mm adjustment gap and hence fixing the new lens solidly in place. If I smash this one I can easily cut the glue and put a new one in again. I used a small circle of rubber cut to the internal diameter of the old shaft and slid that in before doing the cutting with a dremel mini disc in order to ensure that the camera sensor was protected from dust. Resulting image looks no different from the original. The outer face of the lens is about 3mm shorter than the original and is more hidden within the nose cone but the nose cone does not appear on the video.
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Yes. I have now fitted a 2.5mm 170 Degree Wide Angle M12 Thread Camera DV Lens Replacement for GoPro £10.99 The only real mod was to cut the existing shaft behind the collar (cut the collar off) and wrap 2 winds of insulation tap around the new lens shaft, slide it in, turn camera on and focus then used 'Sticks Like ****' semi-rigid glue to fill the 1-2mm adjustment gap and hence fixing the new lens solidly in place. If I smash this one I can easily cut the glue and put a new one in again. I used a small circle of rubber cut to the internal diameter of the old shaft and slid that in before doing the cutting with a dremel mini disc in order to ensure that the camera sensor was protected from dust. Resulting image looks no different from the original. The outer face of the lens is about 3mm shorter than the original and is more hidden within the nose cone but the nose cone does not appear on the video.
Very clever and creative solution
Well done 👍

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