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Bebop 2 range


Jan 12, 2019
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Just wondering what sort of range folks are getting with the Bebop 2 and skycontroller 2 (silver joysticks, rect battery).
I was 800 meters out the other day and lost connection, rth kicked in and all was well but I'm curious if this is normal. I was expecting close to 2000 meters as I was in a rather remote area with no power lines or such in sight.
It was a bit cool, about 9'C if that makes any difference.
Hello Ron,

Out in open terrain, little inference and low obstacle inference stock Skycontroller 2 should do 2.1 miles as crow flies. Keep your elevation 80 to 100 feet, or more if need be.

Can’t remember what Parrot advertises on distance, it’ll do more under than what they mention under right conditions. Not sure if the cold is effecting your distance, hopefully someone that knows will chime in.

Good luck,
The best I got was about 1900m before RTH with the SC2 on a warm summer's day in open countryside with no obstacles. Flying at around 50m altitude. The advertised range is 2000m / 1.2 miles I think.

One day I sent the Bebop on a long range flight plan using just my huawei android phone to launch (no SC2). Was getting video to phone until 900m! Other days though it might be a lot less.
I forgot to mention, if you're using the SC2, it's vital to turn off WIFI on you phone/tablet as this signal will interfere with the SC2 wifi link to the bebop and reduce range.
I forgot to mention, if you're using the SC2, it's vital to turn off WIFI on you phone/tablet as this signal will interfere with the SC2 wifi link to the bebop and reduce range.
Ok, that I didn't know. After looking over the flight data its possible some trees were between me and the drone when I lost connection at 800 meters. Didn't know to turn off the phones wifi though. More testing! Lol.
Thanks mick_mack!

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