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Can't access dronie features

Air Raid

Well-known member
Jan 3, 2019
Reaction score
The Dronie icon remains grayed out, so I can't access those features. Follow Me works OK, although I never get the checklist screen. I've been putting the iphone in airplane mode.
The Dronie icon remains grayed out, so I can't access those features. Follow Me works OK, although I never get the checklist screen. I've been putting the iphone in airplane mode.
If your follow me works then you wouldn't have the check list screen, that's only to show where it's failing.
If your follow me works then you wouldn't have the check list screen, that's only to show where it's failing.
Follow Me sort of works. The drone stays in one spot, while trained on me as I walk around.

Another issue: On my first free-flight with this new FPV setup, the screen would draw a box around me, I'm assuming to help me find my way home. I'm not getting that box anymore.
Follow Me sort of works. The drone stays in one spot, while trained on me as I walk around.

Another issue: On my first free-flight with this new FPV setup, the screen would draw a box around me, I'm assuming to help me find my way home. I'm not getting that box anymore.
Can you elaborate more? I don't understand what you mean by the screen drawing a square around you... do you mean on the map page or during the follow me or..?
Can you elaborate more? I don't understand what you mean by the screen drawing a square around you... do you mean on the map page or during the follow me or..?
Never mind. :rolleyes: Now that I think more about this, the box might always be there when using goggles.
Follow Me sort of works. The drone stays in one spot, while trained on me as I walk around.

Another issue: On my first free-flight with this new FPV setup, the screen would draw a box around me, I'm assuming to help me find my way home. I'm not getting that box anymore.
if your bebop 2 just observes you and not actually following you then press the red square and your issues should be fixed
its a cameramen - feature that's keeping you in the middle of the frame.
For the second feature - follow me - your device (skycontroller or phone or tablet should have GPS module and GPS lock), and usually, once you activate cameraman - its a separate button near "take off/landing" with text "follow". THis way it will keep you in the frame and will follow you.

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