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Crashed Anafi


New member
Jan 17, 2019
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I have a new Anafi, I got the drone for Christmas a few weeks ago. I was flying it and I guess got a little to close to a tree. It hit a branch and crashed, broke the landing gear on one of the arms and also cracked the arm. Now there is an exposed wire as well. Ive talked to Parrot and they will not do anything for me. They recommended a company in Florida for the repair but living in Canada I don't see that as practical at all. Is there any repair places in Canada? I also have been looking for parts to do myself but am having no luck. Any help is appreciated.

DroneNerds is the Parrot/DJI repair in FL and they do not have Anafi parts and returned my Anafi with same type of problem. Parrot noted in my call Wed PM that they hope to have Anafi parts by the end of Jan or beginning of Feb. There is a company in Germany that I bought a replacement M1 ARM with motor and wiring (used) for about 123 US delivered. I have a post under "replecement parts" here is Ebay info.
Original Parrot Anafi Right Front Motor Arm / M1 - vorne rechts
( 264065085162 )
Same experience with Parrot here in Germany. Drone turned around within 1 sec after hand launch and crashed against a wall with full speed. Parrot said that the drone didn't have correct GPS *wtf* :eek: That shouldn't result in that behavior.
Result: "broken leg" (motor bent and broken plastic). I ordend from eBay (mentioned seller leightig) a new one (M4) and got it after 3 days. Replaced like described here (
). Now it flies again! I'm happy!!!
Glad to hear you got part mine is in transit. Have you had any problems with flying with only 1 GPS lock on since the repair? Out the 160 flights I had with my original Anafi about 25% were flown with only 1 GPS lock on. The controller responded to my screen " fly with caution do not use autonomous flight" however, there were no crashs until I received the replacement Anafi (because of gimbal problem) which crash in 15 sec with complete loss of control. I am in a high RF area as a result I usually take off to normal auto lift height and land and then take off again and both locks turn on. I am not convinced Parrot does not have a problem that has not been properly tested.

I would like to hear what other crashed users have experienced. My DJI drones allow you to fly in manual no GPS mode with message to screen use caution however , I have not had a crash like the Anafi.


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I guess I will end up buying parts from one of these sites. I just find it kind of ridiculous that a large company like this sells a product, and judging by what I have read they've sold a good number of them and have no parts available. They just refer to to people who have taken apart broken drones and are salvaging the parts. In my line of work if I was trying to sell a product to my customers the people rely on the dealer/manufacturer to warranty the product or at the very least have parts for making a repair. I'm just really annoyed with the whole experience when all Parrot does is say here is a link for someone selling parts on amazon or eBay. There is no guarantee that these parts will work or anything just going on the sellers word.
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I just find it kind of ridiculous that a large company like this sells a product, and judging by what I have read they've sold a good number of them and have no parts available. They just refer to to people who have taken apart broken drones and are salvaging the parts.

I agree - in this hobby selling spare parts should be the largest part of the business :whistle:.
Agreed this is a hobby requiring parts. I just received an email on my open repair call to Parrot. They referred me to the company on Amazon. I prefer not dealing with that firm because they are way overpriced. The company in Germany was far better see my post in 1/16 above. It does take a while if you are not in EU however, price is realistic. They adjusted the shipping once shipped. It cost me 55 plus 30 shipping for complete arm with motor and wiring.
Just to share my experience
My Anafi just fall 2 days ago after a crash with a tree in a river. It stayed there for roughly 2 minutes until i realized the still blinking blue light on the bottom side. I fished it out and dryed it imediately with a dry towel. Dryed it again with the hairdryer and today i started it up and everything worked pretty well. Sonds like a fairy story and i could not belive it but. Am i just a lucky guy or is the anafi kind of build waterproof? Did anybody else already similar experiences?
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I think you are the lucky guy.
The Anafi is not waterproof (at all ;o), but if the water is not salty (less conduction) and if you switch off the battery as fast as possible, any electronic device can be dried and then back in business.
Some reported, after a bath in the sea, that a drone must be rinced in pure water then dried to start again.
We also read in this forum that less lucky guys have dried the Anafi without being able to restart it again.
2 minutes underwater with blinking light... yeah, go to the nearest church and burn a candle to Saint Parrots and its pals.
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I think you are the lucky guy.
The Anafi is not waterproof (at all ;o), but if the water is not salty (less conduction) and if you switch off the battery as fast as possible, any electronic device can be dried and then back in business.
Some reported, after a bath in the sea, that a drone must be rinced in pure water then dried to start again.
We also read in this forum that less lucky guys have dried the Anafi without being able to restart it again.
2 minutes underwater with blinking light... yeah, go to the nearest church and burn a candle to Saint Parrots and it’s pals.
I took out the battery as fast as i could!
I sweared that that will never happen again! And to be honest, a good drone pilot should be always able to react faster and do not crash it somewhere.
I burned the candle... ;-)
I normally make sure the battery is out clean with clean water (if it is still wet) and place in a bag of white rice for a few days) I store this is in a warm dry place. They usually come backup just dont rush it. I have had a BB2 under for 45 mins and this worked fine. JUST LET IT DRY before you turn back on.
I am on Anafi number 3 the first one worked real well for 160 flights from 7/1 - 10/31 however had gimbal drop issue. Parrot sent me second one no charge crashed on first flight as noted in this thread . I bought a new one and took number two apart for parts for anyone that needs them since Parrot still has not come through on this promise. I tried to price them reasonable they are on Ebay here are details. If your in US shipping is cheap outside US not worth it. I found it a bit difficult to disassemble and decided to sell and replace. If I get 330 for everything It cost me less then 2.00 per flight.

Parts on my Ebay Account ARM 1 already sold

Parrot Anafi Drone OEM Shell ARM 2 with Motor and wiring (132942879835)
Parrot Anafi Drone OEM Shell ARM 3 with Motor and wiring (132942881478)
Parrot Anafi Drone OEM Shell ARM 4 with Motor and wiring (132942883256)
Parrot Anafi Drone OEM Motor and wiring Gray plug (132942885259)
Parrot Anafi Drone OEM Central Frame Body all boards + Ca... (132942891604)

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