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First flights over the weekend - Whats missing for me


Jul 21, 2018
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Hi All,

Just got my hands on the Anafi down under, release day here was the 20th July only available at one retailer. Was the first one sold at the store I went to.

Initial thoughts are that Im very happy, coming from a Phantom 3 Pro, Im looking for portablility as recently having a baby means that the Phantom was becoming more difficult to carry around. So Im looking forward to being able to carry this with me a lot more.

Anyway a few things Ive noticed that I hope and could possibly get fixed in newer firmware updates.

1. Only 1" max shutter speed - I love long exposure and due to the portability issues mentioned above with the P3, I havent had a chance to really start playing with it, my expectation was that the Anafi would be the drone that I start digging deeper with these kind of pics but at 1" shutter speed its just not enough, Ild be looking mostly traffic trails and would need more like 3-4" at least for the things I want to experienct with. I know that the drone would probably not be stable enough to pull it off but I could have some fun trying it out.

2. Gimbal vertical rotation is slow...... - As I am only focusing on still images I want to be able to quickly pan up and down to whiz through different shots quickly, however the gimbal tilt is super slow and although this would be handy for filming and keeping things steady, its not something I really suits my technique. I thought it would have been adjustable in the settings but Im yet to find anything.

3. Lightroom issues - Now I don't know if this is the fault of the drone/memory card or lightroom itself, but when I imported all the DNG into lightroom every pic looks the same, the thumnails are identical, once imported they again are the same until you select the image and zoom in, then it will change. So effectively I need to import the images, then go through them all one by one and zoom in to 100% to see the actual image, and then in the 'development mode' it gives the error "The image appears to be damaged" and sometimes flicks between two different images the actual photo and the first one in the series (that they all looked like at first import) updated lightroom to latest 7.4 and still happens. Anyone noticed weird behavior with lightroom and Anafi's DNG's?

Overall Im happy with the compact size and the low sound emitted from this thing is such a huge win....
For the camera vertical tilt you need to go into your options and under piloting there is a adjustment for that. It should have been under camera settings if you ask me but that is where you will find it.

There is a known issue with DNG's in lightroom and Photoshop. Hopefully they will get that sorted out and also add EXIF to the DNG's.
Awesome - 'Max camera tilt speed' thanks I totally over looked it several times. Thats 1 out 3 out of the way.

As for the Lightroom/DNG issue, can you point me to anywhere where its been discussed, Ive been searching and yet to find any specific references to it. I guess it would be a Lightroom problem then? However its good to hear that It's not just me experiencing this, cause its been frustrating the hell out of me all afternoon. Just another point on this, I would much prefer to have the option to only capture the RAW file and not the RAW + JPEG, but not a big deal just think it would help the drone not have to capture the extra file to the microSD.
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Awesome - 'Max camera tilt speed' thanks I totally over looked it several times. Thats 1 out 3 out of the way.

As for the Lightroom/DNG issue, can you point me to anywhere where its been discussed, Ive been searching and yet to find any specific references to it. I guess it would be a Lightroom problem then? However its good to hear that It's not just me experiencing this, cause its been frustrating the hell out of me all afternoon. Just another point on this, I would much prefer to have the option to only capture the RAW file and not the RAW + JPEG, but not a big deal just think it would help the drone not have to capture the extra file to the microSD.

As for it being talked about it was on one of the facebook pages for Anafi.
Parrot Anafi Owners Group

I agree with the option to have just DNG also. One of my biggest issues with DNG is no EXIF info. They are useless without it in lightroom.
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Some say yes.
My Autel XSP DNG files had no EXIF info but it did have some info like camera type and such but never got a error in lightroom. The Anafi has zero info for EXIF and gives the error. Lightroom likes to have EXIF info, photoshop not so much but you still get a error.
Latest FW fixes the dng issue
Yes and no
It still does not show up in properties but yes it is there but PC owners cannot see it. Mac owners can.

This is all I see


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