My name is Meadows. I'm 47 years old and I in Alabama. I am still new to the drone hobby. I bought the Parrot Swing probably about 5-6 years ago (maybe more..maybe less?) because I was getting into drones and how cool and helpful these machines can be. I enjoy nature, being outside. There is nothing like being able to send a drone up above you and look at what is around you. It's amazing the things you see. I saw the Swing.. it is made by Parrot... this must be the deal of a lifetime and I bought it. I put a limit on myself when it came to money and certain things. Drones are still one of those things. An expensive drone? Maybe? Someday? They are getting easier to fly. My biggest fear is it flying away never to be seen again or going nuts and taking a nose dive some place on top of people. Anywho, back to the Swing. The package arrives and when I open it up there isn't a controller. "oh-<censored>!" I tried then I gave up. Put the drone away and forgot about it. I know now that I can fly this drone with my phone but it's kinda like the Tello Ryze... without the actual remote, the experience isn't really the same. But that's just my opinion.
Yesterday (03.21.2022) as I'm cleaning my house out I discover, once again, the Parrot Swing! I forgot all about it. And that's what led me to ParrotPilots! I'm having trouble connecting it with my phone. Now looking at the time that has past, I don't think the Swing has the features of what I'm looking for in a drone. But I am happy that I found it...sorta re-discovering. I'm proud that I own a drone by Parrot. I look forward to leering new things on this forum.
Yesterday (03.21.2022) as I'm cleaning my house out I discover, once again, the Parrot Swing! I forgot all about it. And that's what led me to ParrotPilots! I'm having trouble connecting it with my phone. Now looking at the time that has past, I don't think the Swing has the features of what I'm looking for in a drone. But I am happy that I found it...sorta re-discovering. I'm proud that I own a drone by Parrot. I look forward to leering new things on this forum.