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How to edit a flightplan manually ?


Mar 20, 2019
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Hi everyone,

...in another thread about FF6 range extension I just found this statement:

"If you create new directory under main Android root, with the name FLIGHTPLAN,
all FF6 flightplans are saved in this new directory.

After change to mod.apk all plans are still visible.

And this is useful, because you can easily do backup of flightplans, or transfer to another smartphone.
You can also manual editing waypoints or POIs because it is all in ordinary .json text files. "

Is anyone able to explain how this works out for him/her or can share some experiences hints and/or tips? I would be interested in which editor to use best...what needs to be kept in mind doing this...I really would like to know how these flightplans can be manually edited :)

Thx for your feedback in advance.

Oh wonderful - just found this:

"Create Flightplan in FF6. Close FF6. Find the .json file with the name of flightplan you saved - you have to use a good files manager, which can show (and allow you to edit) all files inside Android root directory. Open this file in text editor, change the altitude. Be carefull about speed, It is not calculating automatically correctly, you have to fix the speed too between points above 150m, and do not cross 5m/s to be safe. "

Anyone who knows where to find the flightplans on an Android phone ? Which file manager is to use best ?
Have you created a new folder in your Android root directory named FLIGHTPLAN ? You can do this using a file manager app. Make sure your Freeflight app is closed properly, then re-open and go to flight plans. Create a new flight plan with as many or as little way points as you like in the app. Save this flight plan and name it anything you like.
Exit Freeflight app and then go back to your file manager and go to the FLIGHTPLAN folder you created. In there, there will be a folder with a strange long name. Open that and inside will be a savedPlan.json file. (It took a bit of time for the files to appear in my folder)
You can open this file with any text editor and make changes. You could also send this file to your computer and use notepad++ to edit.
BE CAREFUL in editing these files, be sure you know what you are changing.

Maintenant, ça va pour moi sur Android. Avant la dernière mise à jour, je ne vois pas .json.

Very cool ?

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